Sunday, 30 November 2014

Golden Retriever Smiles! Cute Dog Video!

This rescued Golden Retriever has a unique trait that her other Golden friends don’t!
When super excited, she grins in a special way, by showing her teeth!
Most dogs show their teeth when upset or scared, but this Golden does it just to get more love!
What a silly, fun and unique way of...
Golden Retriever Smiles! Cute Dog Video!

Great Dane Gets Creative Bath! Hilarious Dog Video!

When you have a giant breed dog, you have to get a little creative when it comes to bath time.
Since this Great Dane is much too large to fit in the bathroom, his owners decide to place the shower head outside in the alley where he can get a bath!
Laugh along at the hilarious situation involved...
Great Dane Gets Creative Bath! Hilarious Dog Video!

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Great Dane Thinks He Is Tiny! Funny Dog Video!

Lucky for this human, he has a giant chair, or else this Great Dane may not fit!
Watch as this giant breed climbs into the lap of his owner as if he were a tiny Pomeranian!
It seems like no matter the dog’s size, everyone enjoys some time in the lap for pets, cuddles and snuggles.
Great Dane Thinks He Is Tiny! Funny Dog Video!

Jack Russell Terrier Is The Oldest Living Dog In UK and Possibly The World

In the UK, a Jack Russell has been named the country’s oldest dog!
Meg has reached the age of 25 thanks to her picky diet of Peppa Pig pasta shapes and gluten free fish fingers! A picky eater, Meg had shunned regular dog food in favor of human snacks!
She is now 113 in dog years and is...
Jack Russell Terrier Is The Oldest Living Dog In UK and Possibly The World

Three-Legged German Shepherd Dog’s Heroism Immortalized In A Book

Lucca is the Willingham family’s beloved pooch. But she is more than just a pet. She’s an inspiration, and a hero.
The three-legged German Shepherd mix is a retired military dog. Lucca is trained to sniff out explosives and protect the Marine service men and women she served w...
Three-Legged German Shepherd Dog’s Heroism Immortalized In A Book

Activists Call For The Ban Of Eating Dog And Cat Meat In Switzerland

In Switzerland, activists handed materials and leaflets to politicians outside the Swiss parliament in Bern on Tuesday November 26. The leaflets read either “Wirforderneinneues “Gesetzgegen den Handel und Verzehr von Hunde- und Katzenfleisch in der Schweiz” or “Nous...
Activists Call For The Ban Of Eating Dog And Cat Meat In Switzerland

Do You Believe In Dog Heaven?

The day our dogs will leave us is the day we will never want to come. But have you ever wondered where dogs go when they pass? Heaven, Rainbow Bridge, or do they just disappear into non-existence?
Recently, Pope Francis hinted that animals, too, go to heaven. Well, he may not meant exactly that,...
Do You Believe In Dog Heaven?

Labradors Hunting Training! Education Dog Video!

Watch as these two Labradors go through training to be gun dogs!
They show off their expertise and quick wits as they learn how to become the perfect retriever.
The two pooches look very happy and eager to please, and think learning new stuff is great!
Enjoy the skill of these dogs as they ...
Labradors Hunting Training! Education Dog Video!

Friday, 28 November 2014

Chihuahua Mix In Wrestle-Mania! Cute Dog Video!

This Chihuahua Mix has met a great opponent- a feisty Siamese kitten friend!
Watch as the two turn the bed into their own wrestling stadium, and have a blast playing with each other!
It seems like this little dog has met a friend who is equally his match.
What a fun time for this pair!
Chihuahua Mix In Wrestle-Mania! Cute Dog Video!

Do Your Dogs Simply Hear Words Or Do They Understand Emotion Too?

Do you think your dogs understand what you’re saying? It is an old-age question.
Do dogs understand the words we say or do they pick up clues from your tone of voice?
We’d like to believe that our furry companions understand what we’re saying! A new study suggests they process the meaning a...
Do Your Dogs Simply Hear Words Or Do They Understand Emotion Too?

Loyal Dog Waits For Her Deceased Owner For Two Years

We love dogs for their endearing personalities, child-like demeanor, unconditional love, and of course, their loyalty.
This faithful pooch has shown up every day for the past two years at a hospital – the place where her human passed. This loyal dog waits for her deceased owner.
Her name is M...
Loyal Dog Waits For Her Deceased Owner For Two Years

Chewy's Law Named After The Late Dog Tied To A Tree Faces Opposition

On Tuesday, November 25, Van Buren County commissioners were asked to look into what could become known as “Chewy’s Law”. Members of the community have opposing views on the issue.
Chewy, a Corgi mixed-breed dog, drew international attention on social media after a...
Chewy's Law Named After The Late Dog Tied To A Tree Faces Opposition

Can Your Dog Balance An Egg Like This Labrador Dog?

In England, a five-year-old pooch has become an award-winner! The awesome pooch was rewarded with a £750 photography session for his modelling debut.
You may all wonder why he got all that. Ole the Labrador Retriever is an expert nose balancer!
The egg balancing dog has lived with his owners, A...
Can Your Dog Balance An Egg Like This Labrador Dog?

Retriever Mix Has A Horse Best Friend! Playful Dog Video!

Open fields, fresh grass, and a best friend with four legs to play with!
However, for this gorgeous black Retriever mix, that four-legged friend is a horse!
Watch as the two enjoy some playtime, running about, sharing some sniffs and kisses and just having a great time.
Big or small, these two...
Retriever Mix Has A Horse Best Friend! Playful Dog Video!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Golden Retriever Puppy Explores The Pool! Watery Dog Video!

Golden Retrievers are natural water dogs, and this little puppy is just figuring out how much fun the water can be!
Watch as he takes his first leap with the help of an older Golden friend, finding out that the wet water makes for a cool day.
I think this when this guy grows up, he’ll...
Golden Retriever Puppy Explores The Pool! Watery Dog Video!

Loyal Dog Waits 5 Months For Owners After House Explosion

A Kansas City home exploded on June 4, 2014. According to investigators, the people inside the house were making illegal fireworks.
For five months, a loyal dog was left homeless and waited for her owners at the site of the blast in a south Kansas City neighborhood.
The injured dog was elusive...
Loyal Dog Waits 5 Months For Owners After House Explosion

Munchkin The Shih Tzu Exercises On A Treadmill!

We all know Muchkin, the Shih Tzu who taught us how to turn our pooches into a teddy bear, like him!
Lately, Munchkin has been taking the road to fitness!
Munchkin the Shih Tzu exercises on a treadmill to work off a weekend of excessive eating and drinking.
It seems like everyone was delighted...
Munchkin The Shih Tzu Exercises On A Treadmill!

Here Are Some Black Friday Deals For Dog Lovers Like You

Let’s be honest. Whoever hosts Thanksgiving has a lot of things to do. From recipes to decorations, the host makes sure everything goes according to plan.
Whether you’re attending a Thanksgiving party or celebrating in spirit, it is quite a good gesture to show your thanks by giving...
Here Are Some Black Friday Deals For Dog Lovers Like You

German Shepherd’s Ears Dance To Flo Rida’s Song

A dog from Marion, Indiana has become an instant celebrity.
Jaxson Rose is a 4-year-old German Shepherd with a special talent. This pup can ear dance. Watch his ears groove to Flo Rida’s song, Low. Yes, just his ears!
Jaxon also flew out to Los Angeles to film FOX’s Cause for Paws to...
German Shepherd’s Ears Dance To Flo Rida’s Song

Check Out These Black Friday Deals For Your Dogs!

Thanksgiving is here! Turkey, salads, pumpkin pies and a lot more are served on the dining table. Who doesn’t love this holiday?
Aside from the sumptuous meals, Black Friday is here once again!
We know you cannot help but spoil your beloved pooches so here are few items you can score for low p...
Check Out These Black Friday Deals For Your Dogs!

Ever Wonder Why Dogs Are Sloppier Drinkers Than Cats?

Felines and canines both drink using their tongues, but a new study describes why dogs are sloppier drinkers in general.
The research findings also help to explain why bigger dogs make more mess than smaller ones. This topic  and more related ideas were discussed during the presentation “How do...
Ever Wonder Why Dogs Are Sloppier Drinkers Than Cats?

Labrador Dog In New Home! Sweet Dog Video!

This cute Labrador teen has been adopted by a new family!
His new friends include lots of people and a Golden Retriever buddy!
His comfort on the couch shows that he is settling in just fine in his new home!
Adopting is a great way to get a best friend for life, and the perfect pet for you!
You ...
Labrador Dog In New Home! Sweet Dog Video!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Poor Dog Chased By Momma Bird! Funny Dog Video!

When this big dog accidentally gets a little too close to a nest, this bird mom steps in to show him who’s boss!
Watch as this brave mom fights off the unsuspecting dog, even chasing him away from the nest.
The poor pup was just trying to have some fun, hopefully he didn’t get too...
Poor Dog Chased By Momma Bird! Funny Dog Video!

Ordinance Threatens To Put Down All Pit Bulls and Rottweilers in Louisiana Town

Starting December 1, the town of Moreauville, Louisiana will be banning all Pit Bulls and Rottweilers.
This announcement made the Owens family panic. They received a letter warning them that if they did not get rid of Zeus, their beloved Pit Bull, then the town would take him for “further d...
Ordinance Threatens To Put Down All Pit Bulls and Rottweilers in Louisiana Town

10 Thanksgiving Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Everybody looks forward to Thanksgiving!Who doesn’t? It is the biggest and best meal of the year!
Family members prepare their tastiest holiday specialties and guests bring their special delicacies to share with everyone. Our tables overload with tasty and indulgent dishes, and our houses smell f...
10 Thanksgiving Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Dog Attempts To Revive Friend In Mexico City

Dogs are man’s best friend, but several incidents show that dogs compassionate towards other creatures. They are just as loyal to their own kind, too.
This video shows the moment when a pooch tried to revive his friend who had been struck by a car.
Serrano Madera ,a taxi driver, captured the h...
Dog Attempts To Revive Friend In Mexico City

US Marine Finds Happiness In Longest Staying Shelter Dog Princess

When he returned home from his deployment, Cpl. Justin Growden was not the same man he is today. He never thought he would find therapy in a pooch.
“She definitely loved on me more than any of the other dogs and there’s a special connection there for sure,” said Growden.
He learned about the Pets...
US Marine Finds Happiness In Longest Staying Shelter Dog Princess

Dachshund Has A Fish-Filled Day! Sweet Dog Video!

Decked out in his best fishing vest and hat, this Dachshund is the star of a video for GoPro, a fun camera that can go anywhere.
Watch as this cute dude helps point out fish for his owner, happily enjoying some time on the boat.
Hopefully they caught a lot of fish so this little dog can have a...
Dachshund Has A Fish-Filled Day! Sweet Dog Video!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Samoyed Puppies Enjoy A Field Trip With Dad! Adorable Dog Video!

This litter of all-white Samoyed puppies enjoy a field trip with their dad!
However, playing in the dirt gets a little messy when the rain starts falling!
These dogs have to run for cover before their white coats turn brown from the mud!
Regardless of the rain, it seems like these pups sure had ...
Samoyed Puppies Enjoy A Field Trip With Dad! Adorable Dog Video!

New Zealand Dog Swims With Dolphins

For Jackie, a Labrador Retriever mix, it was another wonderful day full of sand and salty water. Like the usual, she kept trying to catch the waves until a surprise came. Three adorable friends she had never seen before showed up to play with her.
There was no awkward moment. Jackie instantly...
New Zealand Dog Swims With Dolphins

Army Veteran’s Loyalty To His Dog Has A High Price

Former Sgt. William Cole spent 29 months as a special operations soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan. His stay in the Middle East left him with a traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and memories of a lost friend he met in Ranger school.
Now a medically retired Army Ranger, Cole has a service dog, Hank, a...
Army Veteran’s Loyalty To His Dog Has A High Price

Smart Dog Refuses To Play With Stupid Rules In Snow Maze

It seems like dogs are getting tired with human rules. Remember the Golden Retriever who preferred sausages over trophies?
Ginzey’s family thought they had been clear about the rules of the snow maze: if he makes it through in one minute, he gets a treat.
Apparently, they never made a rule about ...
Smart Dog Refuses To Play With Stupid Rules In Snow Maze

Stray Dog Joins The Adventure Racing World Championship

When Team Peak Performance, a team of 4 Swedish athletes, sat down for a meal to prepare for a dangerous 20-mile trek through the Ecuadorian rainforest, they met a little surprise.
As the Adventure Racing World Championship contenders opened their canned meat, Mikael Lindnord noticed a poor...
Stray Dog Joins The Adventure Racing World Championship

Are You Putting Your Dogs In Danger On Christmas?

During Christmas, more than half of dog owners give their pups Christmas treats even though they know those munchies can make them ill.
According to surveys, 71% of owners feed their dogs’ turkey and gravy – that can cause vomiting and diarrhea –and fruit in mince pies can damage their kidne...
Are You Putting Your Dogs In Danger On Christmas?

Labrador Stars In Artistic Video! Cute Dog Video!

When her owners wanted to test out some camera techniques and editing, Maya the Labrador dog became a star!
Watch as she explores indoors and out, both in a large house and in the pretty jungle!
This pooch’s natural beauty mixed with pretty scenery and lovely music makes for a great, ...
Labrador Stars In Artistic Video! Cute Dog Video!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Weimaraner Is Scared Of The Pool! Ingenious Dog Video!

When this pretty pooch had a Frisbee fall in the pool, she wasn’t sure how she was going to get it out.
It seems like this Weimaraner is scared of the pool!
Swimming seemed out of the question for her, so instead she discovered that by pawing at the water, the Frisbee comes to her!
It ...
Weimaraner Is Scared Of The Pool! Ingenious Dog Video!

Is Prince Harry Going To Be A Labrador Parent?

It seems like Prince Harry could soon be snuggling up with a yellow-haired cutie during the long, cold winter nights.
Nope, the party-loving prince is not getting back together with his former girlfriend Cressida Bonas. Instead, he is set to become the proud human of a Labrador puppy.
It’s been h...
Is Prince Harry Going To Be A Labrador Parent?

Christmas Dogs and Puppies! Kindle Picture Book!

Ho-ho-ho! ‘Tis the season to be merry once again!
Christmas Dogs and Puppies is an awesome kindle picture book featuring dogs and puppies dressed in Christmas costumes!
This dog book is fun for all ages – children and adults alike!
The book features 120+ beautiful pictures of dogs and p...
Christmas Dogs and Puppies! Kindle Picture Book!

National Dog Show To Air On Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, the 13th National Dog Show presented by Purina® from New York, NY is expected to amuse and put smiles in over 20 million viewers from noon to 2 in the afternoon. The show will be hosted by David Frei and John O’Hurley along with Mary Carillo. There will also be an encore pr...
National Dog Show To Air On Thanksgiving

Woman Takes Home Leo The Paraplegic Dog From Thailand

When people go on vacations, they usually bring home t-shirts as souvenirs, but one woman took a home a far more precious remembrance – a paraplegic dog.
Meagan Penman travelled to Thailand months ago on vacation. There, she stumbled upon a dogwho can only use his front legs to walk. She later n...
Woman Takes Home Leo The Paraplegic Dog From Thailand

Cyclist Takes Injured Rescued Dog on 200 Mile Bike Ride To Save Her

Ishbel Taromsari, a Scottish traveler, is on a cycle trip around the world and she carries a special baggage with her – an adorable pup called Lucy! Ishbel rescued the injured dog in Turkey and carried her 217 miles to safety in a specially-made basket on her bike.
“She was limping away behind me...
Cyclist Takes Injured Rescued Dog on 200 Mile Bike Ride To Save Her

Dogue de Bordeaux Puppies Have A Romp! Silly Dog Video!

Dogue de Bordeaux is a breed that is not as popular as some, but the puppies in this litter are just as cute!
While their name may be hard to pronounce, these puppies don’t mind as these Dogue de Bordeaux puppies have a romp together in the backyard.
Hops, skips, barks and more make for...
Dogue de Bordeaux Puppies Have A Romp! Silly Dog Video!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Golden Retrievers Figure Out The Ice Maker! Hilarious Dog Video!

This entire herd of Golden Retrievers have figured out how to win the “ice cube lottery”!
Watch as each one hops up and presses the button on the fridge to get his own cubed reward.
Even the younger pups who haven’t quite figured it out yet wait patiently in the hopes of...
Golden Retrievers Figure Out The Ice Maker! Hilarious Dog Video!

Does Your Dog Really Love You? Researchers Confirm It’s True!

We love our dogs. Do you think they love us, too?
For more than 30,000 years, humans and dogs have co-habited and today, our furry friends have only become more popular. In fact, in fifty percent of American households dog hair is evident.
Dogs wag their tails and slobber us with their kisses,...
Does Your Dog Really Love You? Researchers Confirm It’s True!

Researchers To Study Bloat’s Genetics

At Cummings School, veterinary researchers are teaming up with scientists at Harvard, MIT and Nestlé Purina PetCare to figure out the genetics of bloat – a common cause of death in big dogs.
Bloat remains a mysterious disease that’s complex to prevent or treat.
The disease develops when a d...
Researchers To Study Bloat’s Genetics

Chewy’s Owner Claims The Pooch Was Their “Little Wooly Bear”-

He was like a “little wooly bear,” says Chewy’s owner.
Chewy the Corgi mixed-breed who sparked a social-media firestorm .
“His real name was Chewbecca,” said Chewy’s owner who declined to give his name. “He was an outdoor dog, thick heavy fur. He was equipped to (be ...
Chewy’s Owner Claims The Pooch Was Their “Little Wooly Bear”-

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Illegal Breeder Performs C-Section On PitBull

In Florida, a man is facing multiple charges after police say he performed C-section on a dog and cut a puppy’s ears with scissors at-home as a part of an illegal dog breeding operation.
Lazaro Ruiz was arrested at his home in Homestead on Monday November 17. The police have been...
Illegal Breeder Performs C-Section On PitBull

Siberian Husky Really Wants To Play With Cat! Silly Dog Video!

This poor Siberian Husky just wants to be friends, but the cat doesn’t seem to share the feeling!
Watch as this loving pup tries his best to show he’s just there for fun and play, in the hopes his cat friend will change its mind.
While the cat may not be interested this time around,...
Siberian Husky Really Wants To Play With Cat! Silly Dog Video!

Michigan Dog Tied To A Tree Is Now Dead

Chewy, the Corgi mix, who caused a social-media outrage when a neighbor expressed concerns about him being tied to a tree in a snow storm is dead.
Van Buren County’s Lt. David Walker confirmed on Friday November 21, that necropsy results show that Chewy died after being hit by a car late Tuesday ...
Michigan Dog Tied To A Tree Is Now Dead

German Photographer Snaps Photos of Dogs In Mid-Air

Their fluffy furs are flying, their paws stretching.  These doggies in the air show off what most people can’t master –posing in mid-air!
Julia Christe, a German photographer, captured photos of dogs of different breeds while in a short, but awesome, moment in the air. Among the breeds are Husk...
German Photographer Snaps Photos of Dogs In Mid-Air

Seattle Animal Shelter Takes In Most Emaciated Dog They’ve Ever Seen

The Seattle Animal Shelter is currently handling one of the worst animal cruelty cases they have ever seen. Now they are hoping that a $5,000 reward will help them catch the person responsible for a starving dog left out in the cold at a construction site.
The shelter staff has started to call...
Seattle Animal Shelter Takes In Most Emaciated Dog They’ve Ever Seen

French Bulldogs Have Dance Party! Crazy Dog Video!

These two French Bulldogs are dancing perfectly to the beat of the music!
Laugh along as they perform their crazy dance moves Frenchie style, bobbing, weaving and wiggling, much to the enjoyment of all viewers.
Even the baby with them seems to be joining in with leg kicks- this must certainly be...
French Bulldogs Have Dance Party! Crazy Dog Video!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Cancer-Detecting Dog Wins Blue Cross Award

It is common knowledge that dogs have a superb sense of smell. In fact, researchers have made 3D prints of a dog’s snout to further study the power of the canine olfactory system.
On regular days, they use their sense of smell to find a bone or food. But this talented Labrador dog can sniff out s...
Cancer-Detecting Dog Wins Blue Cross Award

Dachshund Plays Dentist To A Lion! Amazing Dog Video!

This Dachshund and Lion duo return to show that they are still the best of friends together!
Watch as the Dachshund happily licks clean his “big kitty” friend’s teeth, making sure that both keep up with good dental hygiene!
It seems as if these two have figured out how to be...
Dachshund Plays Dentist To A Lion! Amazing Dog Video!

UK Hero Dog Who Broke His Back On Duty Lands Bravery Citation

JJ, IED detecting dog, helped save the lives of soldiers in Afghanistan. Just this month, he was given a bravery citation by the Blue Cross pet charity.
The 5-year old Labrador dog broke his back while on active service. He one of three runners-up for the esteemed Blue Cross Medal.The military a...
UK Hero Dog Who Broke His Back On Duty Lands Bravery Citation

Burglar Scared Away By A Tiny Dog In South Africa

Apparently, this man is uninformed. He obviously didn’t read the sign saying “Beware of the Dog”. Or perhaps he doesn’t know how to read?
A male was caught on CCTV lurking around the back of a house when he got startled by what anybody would think to be the terrifying bark of a Rottw...
Burglar Scared Away By A Tiny Dog In South Africa

Golden Retriever Fails Contest To Win Real Prize

A very smart Golden Retriever set his eyes on the prize from start to end. It was a no contest, as he galloped through the course without missing a single treat. This pup definitely had his eyes on the prize!
It was a competition, yes. While the rest of the pooches ran past the bowls overflowing ...
Golden Retriever Fails Contest To Win Real Prize

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Courageous Ashland Police Dog Receives State Heroism Award

A police dog from Ashland, Massachusets became the first dog to receive a state heroism award.
According to officer Chris Alberini, his canine partner,Dax, saved him from being shot when he climbed into an attic where a suspect was hiding with a shotgun.
“If Dax hadn’t been there, I’d be dead,” h...
Courageous Ashland Police Dog Receives State Heroism Award

Dachshunds Live With Unusual Pal! Interesting Dog Video!

The intro to this video does depict some unsettling footage, so video discretion is advised.
However, past the into watch as this one gentle giant of a lion makes friends with an entire pack of Dachshunds!
The two appear to live peacefully together, enjoying each others’ company and living...
Dachshunds Live With Unusual Pal! Interesting Dog Video!

Partners Train Service Dogs To Sniff Gluten

For some gluten allergy sufferers, it is hard to imagine not being able to go to the grocery store because of gluten scare.
Today, finding a way to live a normal life may be as easy as getting a service dog – a gluten sniffing dog!
“She gave me my life back, “Dawn Scheu has Celiac d...
Partners Train Service Dogs To Sniff Gluten

Bella Boo The Amazing Cocker Spaniel Has More Than 250 Tricks To Boot!

Most dog owners have tried it and failed. We admit it, training your dogs to do balancing takes so much patience. Most pooches would make a dog’s dinner out of balancing acts.
But Bella Boo, an awesome Cocker Spaniel,is an exception.
Watch her show her astonishing self-control! She barely...
Bella Boo The Amazing Cocker Spaniel Has More Than 250 Tricks To Boot!

Canine Narcolepsy Diagnosed In Dachshund

Narcolepsy is a medical condition that is typically related to humans, but the condition has been diagnosed in a dog from Kansas City.
Toby, a Dachshund, gets so excited when he eats that he falls asleep while munching down.
He was taken by his owners to Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners, where he...
Canine Narcolepsy Diagnosed In Dachshund

Yorkshire Terrier Mix Shares Birthday Surprise! Loving Dog Video!

For her birthday, this little girl didn’t expect such a great surprise!
Watch as she reacts to getting her new present, a surprise Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle mix!
The girl is overwhelmed with happiness as the puppy happily wiggles and welcomes everyone in the new family!
It seems like...
Yorkshire Terrier Mix Shares Birthday Surprise! Loving Dog Video!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Siberian Husky Tries To Comfort Baby! Sweet Dog Video!

When his little baby friend is crying, this adorable Siberian Husky steps in to help!
Watch as he begins to howl a song to try and soothe the baby- and it works!
The baby stops a while and when the howling stops, starts again.
It seems this baby knows how to get the dog to keep singing a fun...
Siberian Husky Tries To Comfort Baby! Sweet Dog Video!

Moonwalking Dog Conquers His Fears In His Own Unique Way! Funny Dog Video!

Whoever said that Pit Bulls are ferocious isn’t lying – Pit Bulls are ferociously adorable!
This is Queso and he is an adorable Pit Bull who is “afraid of lots of things, like the kitchen floor, the printer, and doorways.”
Owner Rhiannon Hamam explains that her Queso is a big softie who is afraid...
Moonwalking Dog Conquers His Fears In His Own Unique Way! Funny Dog Video!

Dog Tied To A Tree In Snow Storms Sparks Online Outrage

Photos of a small mixed breed dog from Gobles, Michigan have sparked an online outrage. The dog was tied to a tree during recent snow storms.
But despite the netizens’ call for help, the police say the complaint of animal abuse against the owners was ‘unfounded’ since the dog is healthy, the Van ...
Dog Tied To A Tree In Snow Storms Sparks Online Outrage

Owner Saves Dog From Python Grip

In Karnataka, Southwest India, an intense video has been captured showing how a dog owner saves his dog from a python’s deadly grip.
Armed with only with a branch, the owner was able to save his pet from becoming the large snake’s dinner.
Unable to breathe due to the reptile’s tight grip, the sit...
Owner Saves Dog From Python Grip

Labrador Dogs Perform Comedy! Silly Dog Video!

This compilation of Labrador dogs will have all viewers laughing along!
Watch the many antics of all different shapes, sizes and colors of Labs!
Bones, blinds, sprinklers and more become objects of great fun for these funny dogs!
Their silly moves, funny sounds and laughter of their owners will h...
Labrador Dogs Perform Comedy! Silly Dog Video!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Weimaraner Goes For A Drive! Funny Dog Video!

This Weimaraner is living the life of luxury complete with her own sunroof!
Watch as she catches a breeze (in her adorable cheeks), enjoying feeling the wind on her fur!
It seems like this pup knows exactly how to live life and enjoy it to its fullest.
Every dog owner needs a sunroof for an...
Weimaraner Goes For A Drive! Funny Dog Video!

Woman Spends $35K Searching For Her Missing Dog

A woman from District of Columbia spent more than $35,000 searching high and low for her beloved missing dog.
From psychics to private investigators, Janet Mihalyfi hired countless people. She also posted thousands of fliers, installed cameras in the forest, and put out dog food at spots where...
Woman Spends $35K Searching For Her Missing Dog

NY Giants and Paws Of Wars Surprise Army Veteran With Service Dog

“Help a vet. Save a pet.“ This is the mission of Guardians of Rescue’s Paws of Wars program. The group accomplished their motto Sunday November 16, during the game between the Giants and 49ers at MetLife Stadium.
Letting the NFL’s “Salute to Service” campaign continue, the Giants welcomed Army ve...
NY Giants and Paws Of Wars Surprise Army Veteran With Service Dog

Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breed: Lovable Charming Companion

Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Toy
Other Registries:AKC (Toy); ANKC (Toys); CKC (Toys); FCI (Terriers); KC (Toy); UKC (Companion)
Weight: No more than 7 lbs
Height: 6–7 inches
Color:Steel Blue and Tan
Yorkshire Terrier Overview
The first Yorkshire Terrier, ...
Yorkshire Terrier Dog Breed: Lovable Charming Companion

Basenji Thinks Eggs Are Great! Silly Dog Video!

This Basenji may have not gotten the memo that eggs are for eating.
Instead, this hardboiled egg seems to have turned into one of the best play toys ever!
Watch as this pup cutely wrestles and plays with the egg to figure out what it is, before realizing it may be a tasty treat!
Hopefully the...
Basenji Thinks Eggs Are Great! Silly Dog Video!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Golden Retriever Nurses A Litter Of African Wild Dogs

A litter of African Wild Dogs whose mommy was unfit to care for them has gotten help from an unlikely fellow.
A Golden Retriever named Lily is now a surrogate mother to the newborn pups, who were born at the Oklahoma City Zoo.
Lilly gave birth to her own puppy recently. She doesn’t only feed the ...
Golden Retriever Nurses A Litter Of African Wild Dogs

Labrador Dogs Enjoy Getting Wet In Rain! Wet Dog Video!

Water is water, right?
For these Labs, it doesn’t matter if the water is in a pool or coming from the sky!
Watch as these two dogs enjoy getting wet in rain and giant puddles!
Nothing beats some fun with a stick, especially if there is water too!
How cute!
Let us know what you think by...
Labrador Dogs Enjoy Getting Wet In Rain! Wet Dog Video!

American Pit Bull Terrier Has A Best Friend! Sweet Dog Video!

This adorable Pit bull Terrier has a best friend!
He and his Jack Russell friend have found that having a baby in the house makes for a great friend!
Watch as this adorable dog and child duo share kisses, cuddles and laughs together.
At the end, a neat little trick is shown off too, letting you...
American Pit Bull Terrier Has A Best Friend! Sweet Dog Video!

Is Matilda A Cat Or A Dog?

Everybody has to look twice.
This smart four-legged is indeed a cat with cool dog tricks to show off.
The 2-year-old kitty’s name is Matilda, or Tilly for short.
This pawsome feline was rescuedin Nunica, Michigan and she loves to show dog lovers that cats can show off too.
Soon after adoption, h...
Is Matilda A Cat Or A Dog?

Xoloitzcuintli Dog Breed: Mexican National Treasure

Breed: Xoloitzcuintli
AKC Breed Group: Non-Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Non-Sporting); CKC (Non-Sporting); FCI (Spitz and Primitive); KC (Utility); UKC (Sighthound & Pariah)
Weight: Standard: 20–31 lbs; Miniature: 13–22 lbs; Toy: 9–18 lbs
Height: Standard: 17.5–23.5 inches; Miniatur...
Xoloitzcuintli Dog Breed: Mexican National Treasure

Matty The Military Dog Reunites With Rightful Owner After 16-Months Of Separation

Last week, we published an article about Matty, the German Shepherd dog who was taken away from Army Spc. Brent Grommet.
The soldier and dog’s 16-month-long separation has now ended. Matty and Grommet finally reunited last Friday November 14.
“I’m about the happiest I’ve ever been,” Grommet told ...
Matty The Military Dog Reunites With Rightful Owner After 16-Months Of Separation

Chained German Shepherd Puppy Chews Off His Paw To Escape

A poor, chained German Shepherd puppy chews off his paw to escape.
Rocky, the 10-month-old German Shepherd puppy, has lost his entire hind leg after he allegedly bit off his own paw to escape after being chained by his owners.
According to a report by KTLA, the case took place in Orange County,...
Chained German Shepherd Puppy Chews Off His Paw To Escape

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Dog Breed: Patient Outdoorsman Gundog

Breed: Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
AKC Breed Group: Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Sporting); CKC (Sporting); FCI (Pointing Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 50–60 lbs
Height: 19.5–24 inches
Color: Steel Gray with Liver Brown patches, Liver Roan, Liver, Liver and White, Orange and...
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Dog Breed: Patient Outdoorsman Gundog

AKC Releases 2013 Most Registered Dog Breeds In The US

We all know the capacity of dogs to love unconditionally. That’s what makes them the best!
Aside from that, dogs come in all shapes and sizes. The variety in looks and character makes it easy for us to choose which ones would adapt well in the lifestyles with live.
The American Kennel Club r...
AKC Releases 2013 Most Registered Dog Breeds In The US

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Pitbull Terriers Nap Together! Funny Dog Video!

These two absolutely adorable Pitbull Terriers nap together one afternoon.
However, the cute is intensified when it shows that these two are not only snuggling together, but sleeping on their backs like people!
The silly gravity-caused grins and cute position of these two Pitties make for one ...
Pitbull Terriers Nap Together! Funny Dog Video!

Wire Fox Terrier Dog Breed: Outgoing Independent Thinker

Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Terrier
Other Registries: AKC (Terrier); ANKC (Terriers); CKC (Terriers); FCI (Terriers); KC (Terrier); UKC (Terrier)
Weight: 18 lbs
Height: No more than 15.5 inches
Color: Predominantly White with Black, Black and Tan, or Tan Markings
Wire Fox Terrier Dog Breed: Outgoing Independent Thinker

One Of Louisiana’s Longest Serving Arson Dogs Retires

It’s official! One of the longest-serving arson dogs in the history of the Louisiana Fire Marshal’s Office is retiring.
The last day of November will be Darge’s last day of work after serving for more than a decade as one of Louisiana’s arson dogs.
“Darge has performed services ...
One Of Louisiana’s Longest Serving Arson Dogs Retires

Whippet Dog Breed: Tidy Easy-going Runner

Breed: Whippet
AKC Breed Group: Hound
Other Registries: AKC (Hound); ANKC (Hounds); CKC (Hounds); FCI (Sighthounds); KC (Hound); UKC (Sighthound & Pariah)
Weight: 25–40 lbs
Height: 17–22 inches
Color: White with Colored Patches, Brindle, Fawn, All Colors accepted
Origin: Great Bri...
Whippet Dog Breed: Tidy Easy-going Runner

Boxer Herd Having Some Fun! Playful Dog Video!

There seems to be an entire herd of Boxers that live in this household!
Big and small, puppy and adult, all of the Boxers here appear to get along just fine.
What’s more fun than a single Boxer?
An entire herd playing together!
These guys seem like they’d be entertainment all day...
Boxer Herd Having Some Fun! Playful Dog Video!

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Boxer Litter At Play! Super Cute Dog Video!

Most people are used to fawn or brindle colored Boxers, however this litter of puppies is mostly white!
This Boxer litter at play are enjoying a super fun time together with lots of toys and friends nearby.
The super cute looks of these dogs combined with their even cuter antics will have...
Boxer Litter At Play! Super Cute Dog Video!

Instead Of Running Away, Layla The Homeless Poodle Kisses Her Rescuer

Annie Hart has rescued hundreds of dogs over the years. These pooches at “the worst moment of their lives” are amazingly transformed after a generous dose of TLC.
But despite all her experience, she says nothing could’ve readied her for how touched she felt when she first met Layla, a homeless Po...
Instead Of Running Away, Layla The Homeless Poodle Kisses Her Rescuer

West Highland White Terrier Dog Breed: Adorable Fluffy Hunter

Breed: West Highland White Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Terrier
Other Registries: AKC (Terrier); ANKC (Terriers); CKC (Terriers); FCI (Terriers); KC (Terrier); UKC (Terrier)
Weight: 15–22 lbs
Height: 10-11 inches
Color: White
Origin: Scotland
West Highland White Terrier Overview
While r...
West Highland White Terrier Dog Breed: Adorable Fluffy Hunter

Disabled Individuals Worried About The Increasing Number Of Service Dog Imposters

An appalling trend continues.
The number of dog owners who dress up their pets in fake service vests is increasing. They do it to gain access to public spaces with their dogs. Critics say this kind of cheating must be stopped since it is affecting the rights of the disabled.
Melissa Maher, a ...
Disabled Individuals Worried About The Increasing Number Of Service Dog Imposters

Dog Hitches A Ride On The Ambulance That Took His Human

Buddy is the best buddy everyone could ever wish to have.
The four year old dog certainly did not wait for an invitation when his 85-year-old owner had to go to the hospital.
Buddy hitched a ride on the outside of the ambulance that was carrying his human, J.R. Nicholson, to Hill Country...
Dog Hitches A Ride On The Ambulance That Took His Human

Welsh Terrier Dog Breed: Sweet Bearded Hunter

Breed: Welsh Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Terrier
Other Registries: AKC (Terrier); ANKC (Terriers); CKC (Terriers); FCI (Terriers); KC (Terrier); UKC (Terrier)
Weight: 20–21 lbs
Height: 15–15.5 inched
Color: Black and Tan, Black Grizzle and Tan
Origin: Wales
Welsh Terrier Ove...
Welsh Terrier Dog Breed: Sweet Bearded Hunter

Cute Dog Dances On Her Two Hind Legs!

While tethered to a chair, this little cutie stands up as she does some groovy moves!
With a happy song playing, the dog dances on her two hind legs!
The pooch may be cute but commenters expressed different opinions about the video.
One commenter said:
Con unguinzagliocosìcorto non poteva fare ...
Cute Dog Dances On Her Two Hind Legs!

Labradors and Golden Retriever Friends! Musical Dog Video!

The happy music combined with even happier dogs and beautiful scenery will have viewers smiling right along!
These pretty Labradors and Golden Retriever friends are having fun finding new sights and smells in the woods!
Watch as they explore and show off the natural instinct and beauty of these ...
Labradors and Golden Retriever Friends! Musical Dog Video!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Dog With Amputated Leg Gets A Wheelchair

A Labrador dog named Rogan now walks on three legs.
One of his legs may have been amputated, but to the Lab it does not matter. This devoted dog is living the life after beating cancer.
In August, Rogan was given only two months to live but owner Kirsty Johnson refused to have her 11-year-old...
Dog With Amputated Leg Gets A Wheelchair

Dachshund Shows Off Acrobatics! Amazing Dog Video!

Most people may think of Border Collies as a dog that performs many agility tricks, but this little Dachshund is here to show that they can be athletes too!
Watch as this beautiful Dachshund shows off acrobatics and an amazing range of tricks, hops and balancing acts to wow the audience.
It ...
Dachshund Shows Off Acrobatics! Amazing Dog Video!

Welsh Springer Spaniel Dog Breed: Natural Flusher Of Game

Breed: Welsh Springer Spaniel
AKC Breed Group: Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Sporting); ANKC (Gundogs); CKC (Sporting); FCI (Flushing Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 35–45 lbs
Height: 17–19 inches
Color: Rich Red and White; Any pattern is acceptable
Origin: Wales 
Welsh ...
Welsh Springer Spaniel Dog Breed: Natural Flusher Of Game

Dog Left Outside In the Winter Cold Prompts Police Response

Winter is here! Temperatures in Denver dropped to around the zero degree mark. And last Wednesday morning November 12, aresidenttook a photo that outraged animal lovers on Twitter.
“Tonee Lawrence” tweeted a photo showing a snowy backyard and a pooch curled up outside on a back porch. The cold po...
Dog Left Outside In the Winter Cold Prompts Police Response

Celebrities Help Rescued Dogs Find Furever Homes With Cause For Paws Telethon

Oscar winning actress Hilary Swank unleashes some serious star power for a cause.  The actress wants to help rescue dogs get adopted by families who want to make a difference on Thanksgiving.
Fox will be airing Cause for Paws: An All-Star Dog Spectacular on Nov. 27. The program will feature a ...
Celebrities Help Rescued Dogs Find Furever Homes With Cause For Paws Telethon

Weimaraner Dog Breed: Talented Silver Hunter

Breed: Weimaraner
AKC Breed Group: Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Sporting); ANKC (Gundogs); CKC (Sporting); FCI (Pointing Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: Males 66–88 lbs
Height: 22.5–27.5 inches
Color: Solid color in shades of Mouse Gray to Silver-Gray
Origin: Ger...
Weimaraner Dog Breed: Talented Silver Hunter

Will It Herd? Can These Australian Shepherds Finish Their Task?

Apart from their distinct looks, dogs are bred for their purpose. Hounds are designed to sniff out and hunt. Retrievers retrieve game and shepherds are bred to herd – like these adorable and awesome Australian Shepherds.

Petcentric produces the “Will It Herd?” series starring cute A...
Will It Herd? Can These Australian Shepherds Finish Their Task?

Australian Shepherd Mix Loves Baths! Bubbly Dog Video!

While most dogs love the water, they tend to really dislike baths.
However, this Australian Shepherd mix loves baths!
Watch as he happily plays away during his bath-time, enjoying some fun in the water, and even a roll in the tub!
Perhaps he doesn’t know that the tub is where bath time and...
Australian Shepherd Mix Loves Baths! Bubbly Dog Video!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Great Danes Get A Tasty Treat! Snack-filled Dog Video!

These Great Danes have got a special routine going with their feathered friend.
While they sit at the floor and wait patiently, their Cockatoo buddy happily tosses them as many dog treats as they want and they gobble away.
Hopefully someone will stop them soon before they become even bigger...
Great Danes Get A Tasty Treat! Snack-filled Dog Video!

Vizsla Dog Breed: Athletic Sturdy Hunter

Breed: Vizsla
AKC Breed Group: Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Sporting); ANKC (Gundogs); CKC (Sporting); FCI (Pointing Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 44–66 lbs
Height: 21–25 inches
Color: Shades of Golden Rust
Origin: Hungary
Vizsla Overview
The Vizsla has its origins wi...
Vizsla Dog Breed: Athletic Sturdy Hunter

Treeing Walker Coonhound Dog Breed: Active Droopy-Eared Hunter

Breed: Treeing Walker Coonhound
AKC Breed Group: Hound
Other Registries: AKC (FSS); UKC (Scenthound)
Weight: 50–70 lbs
Height: 20–27 inches
Color: Tricolor (White, Black, Tan)
Origin: United States
Treeing Walker Coonhound Overview
As settlers came to America, they brought with them...
Treeing Walker Coonhound Dog Breed: Active Droopy-Eared Hunter

Pit Bull Goes Missing on Delta Flight

Ty, a Pit Bull Terrier went missing on a Delta Airlines flight. The owner of the pooch has been searching for his beloved furry companion.
The search is now in its second week but the dog hasn’t been returned.
Frank Romano, the owner, remains skeptical about Delta’s explanation regarding the dog...
Pit Bull Goes Missing on Delta Flight

Labrador Puppies Are Having Some Fun! Cute Pup Video!

An adorable large litter of Labrador puppies are having some fun!
These very little guys are enjoying time exploring their whelping box, and having a little fun playing with each other.
Watch as the cute little black and chocolate Lab pups learn what fun having a sibling nearby can be!
Labrador Puppies Are Having Some Fun! Cute Pup Video!

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Sammy The Cocker Spaniel Who Raised Animal Abuse Awareness Passes Away

Sammy the Cocker Spaniel fired up thousands in a fight against animal abuse after he was left for dead in a garbage bag last year.
The pooch died Monday at his home in Middletown, New Jersey.
His name is Samurai, Sammy for short. The dog died peacefully after suffering a stroke that made it hard ...
Sammy The Cocker Spaniel Who Raised Animal Abuse Awareness Passes Away

Siberian Husky Juggles Balls! Adorable Dog Video!

Who needs a person to toss you a ball when you can just play with two on your own?
Watch as this beautiful Siberian Husky juggles balls!
He carts tennis balls around the court, making up his own game of catch and fetch.
It seems like he’s figured out just how to juggle multiple balls on...
Siberian Husky Juggles Balls! Adorable Dog Video!

NCSU Researchers Working On Device That Will Improve Human-Dog Communication

At North Carolina State University, researchers are creating a device that will improve human-dog communication.
It is a connection already being improved by Sean Mealin and his service dog, Simba. The two have worked together for about a year and a half.
Simba sees what Scott cannot.
NCSU Researchers Working On Device That Will Improve Human-Dog Communication

Veteran’s Grandson Tells A Story How A Dog Named Bingo Became A WWII Crew’s Mascot

Across various social media networks, Americans shared pictures and stories of the beloved veterans they’re proud to call family and friends.
One of them is David Linden. He works in social media at Bloomberg LP and he posted the following story:
“My grandfather would always tell my brothers and ...
Veteran’s Grandson Tells A Story How A Dog Named Bingo Became A WWII Crew’s Mascot

Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dog Breed: Brindled Happy Hunter

Breed: Treeing Tennessee Brindle
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Hound)
Weight: 30–45 lbs
Height: 16–24 inches
Color: Black, Brindle; Brindle Trim; White Markings
Origin: United States
Treeing Tennessee Brindle Overview
Small brindle colored hou...
Treeing Tennessee Brindle Dog Breed: Brindled Happy Hunter

Spanish Ebola Survivor Wants The Government To Pay Up For Excalibur’s Death

Teresa Romero, a Spanish nurse, survived Ebola but she’s been in despair since she learned that her pet dog, Excalibur, was euthanized as a precaution by the Spanish government. reported that Romero wants the government to pay up about $190,000 for her loss.
Romero’s lawyers said th...
Spanish Ebola Survivor Wants The Government To Pay Up For Excalibur’s Death

Smart Dog Collar Can Track Your Dog’s Health

A new pet health device is available in the market – high technology dog collar.
The device helpsto determine if your dog is sick. It has been tested in Massachusetts.
The PetPace wearable monitor gives owners and vets the latest readings and status regarding a pet’s health. It has sensors that m...
Smart Dog Collar Can Track Your Dog’s Health

Toy Fox Terrier Dog Breed: Outgoing All-American Dog

Breed: Toy Fox Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Toy
Other Registries: AKC (Toy); CKC (Toys); UKC (Terrier)
Weight: 15–18 lbs
Height: 8.5–11.5 inches
Color: Tricolor (Black, Tan, White); White, Chocolate, and Tan; White and Tan; White and Black
Origin: United States
Toy Fox Terrier Ove...
Toy Fox Terrier Dog Breed: Outgoing All-American Dog

Military Dogs Honored In New York City Veterans Day

Ryky, a Belgian Malinois,ran to the rescue of two wounded American soldiers after their vehicle ran over an IED in Afghanistan.Cila, a Labrador Retriever, showed hernerves of steel and pro instincts while clearing suspected insurgents’ homes during nearly 100 missions in Iraq.
Now these war dogs ...
Military Dogs Honored In New York City Veterans Day

Basset Hound Puppy Learns To Talk! Cute Dog Video!

This tiny little Basset Hound has just learned he has a voice!
Cuddled up in some nice warm blankets, he takes his first lesson in howls!
A few small yips, and then a nice howl comes along.
Smile at this adorable little puppy as he finds his voice and makes the situation all the more cute!
Basset Hound Puppy Learns To Talk! Cute Dog Video!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Siberian Husky Has A Pint-Sized Friend! Talkative Dog Video!

This Siberian Husky has made best friends with his toddler friend, and the two are having a great conversation.
Watch as they hop and play while speaking their own language of barks and laughs!
With each bark and howl, this dog’s friend giggles more and more.
It seems like this Husky has...
Siberian Husky Has A Pint-Sized Friend! Talkative Dog Video!

This Dog Doesn't Want To Stay At Vet! Silly Dog Video!

This poor brindle Mixed Breed dog is trying to convince his owner he doesn’t want to be at the vet!
With a few tail wags, and a long dog conversation about why they should go home, he sadly realizes he still has to stay.
Hopefully staying at the vet wasn’t too bad for this silly...
This Dog Doesn't Want To Stay At Vet! Silly Dog Video!

Tosa Dog Breed: Loyal Agile Japanese

Breed: Tosa
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries:AKC (FSS: Working); FCI (Molossoid); UKC (Guardian)
Weight: 100–200 lbs
Height: 21.5-23.5 inches minimum
Color:Black, Brindle, Fawn, Red; May have White Markings, Apricot, Brown
Origin: Japan
Tosa Overview
Dog fi...
Tosa Dog Breed: Loyal Agile Japanese

Hypnotist Claims Her Dog Can Hypnotize Humans

Do you believe in hypnosis? Apparently, there is a new hypnotist in town and she is no ordinary one.
The newcomer’s name is Princess and she’s a dog.
Nope, this pooch isn’t going to hypnotize you with her undeniable cuteness. Princess is supposedly the only dog in the world who can put humans int...
Hypnotist Claims Her Dog Can Hypnotize Humans

Rottweiler Stranded On Roof For Three Days

Another Isis had a crisis.
A Rottweiler stranded on roof of an Ohio house was rescued. Witnesses say the poor dog had been there for more than three days.
Youngstown firefighters dramatically brought the terrified dog back down to safety at 10:30 a.m. November 8.
Dozens of spectators watched as...
Rottweiler Stranded On Roof For Three Days

Tibetan Terrier Dog Breed: Adorable Fluffy Watchdog

Breed: Tibetan Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Non-Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Non-Sporting); ANKC (Non Sporting); CKC (Non-Sporting); FCI (Companion and Toy); KC (Utility); UKC (Companion)
Weight: 18–30 lbs
Height: 14–16 inches
Color: Any Color or Combination of Colors except Chocolate and L...
Tibetan Terrier Dog Breed: Adorable Fluffy Watchdog

Dog and Cat Best friends Get Adopted Together!

In 2009, Houston police found a fluffy little puppy while raiding a suspected crack house.
The poor pup had serious health problems- mange and a poor immune system. It also seemed like shehad never to have been taken outside.
The puppy was brought to the no-kill animal shelter Special Pals,...
Dog and Cat Best friends Get Adopted Together!

Labrador Plays Some Ball! Amazing Dog Video!

This gorgeous three-legged Labrador shows that having a disability doesn’t stop one from having some fun!
Watch as she chases and catches the ball with ease, proving that even missing a leg doesn’t slow a Lab down!
This pretty dog is all tail wags as she gets a chance to play her f...
Labrador Plays Some Ball! Amazing Dog Video!

Monday, 10 November 2014

Shiba Inu Hitches A Ride! Funny Dog Video!

This Shiba Inu hasn’t figured out yet that he could probably get around town a little faster on his own!
Instead, he hitches a ride on his tortoise friend, a slow but steady companion.
The two travel along at their own pace, making for a unique trick and an even more unique sight to...
Shiba Inu Hitches A Ride! Funny Dog Video!

Almost 100 Dogs Rescued From Arleta Dog Hoarders

Dogs with highly contagious diseases were left to fend for themselves. Some trapped in crowded cages stacked like cargo boxes, while some had life-threatening ulcers causing them to drag their limbs.
About 97 dogs were rescued by animal control officers this summer in a house in Arleta.
Almost 100 Dogs Rescued From Arleta Dog Hoarders

Tibetan Spaniel Dog Breed: Intelligent Lion-Faced Companion

Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
AKC Breed Group: Non-Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Non-Sporting); ANKC (Toys); CKC (Non-Sporting); FCI (Companion and Toy); KC (Utility); UKC (Companion)
Weight: 9–15 lbs
Height: Approx. 10 inches
Color: All Colors and Combinations of Colors acceptable
Origin: T...
Tibetan Spaniel Dog Breed: Intelligent Lion-Faced Companion

Munchkin The Shih Tzu Shares Her Secret – How To Become A Cute Teddy-Dog Hybrid!

Christmas is on its way – we can feel the chilly air that comes with it – and an adorable pooch is ready.
Munchkin, the Shih Tzu, has an adorable and sure-fire way to beat the cold. She stuffs herself inside a teddy bear! How adorable and convenient!
The rising Facebook celebrity showed off her l...
Munchkin The Shih Tzu Shares Her Secret – How To Become A Cute Teddy-Dog Hybrid!

Blindness Cannot Stop These Amazing Sled Dogs From Racing

We all admire the resilience of dogs. Their amazing ability to adapt to their environment and challenges touches our hearts.
Belle is a sled dog in Pocatello, Idaho. She was robbed of her eyesight by glaucoma six months ago, but that didn’t stop her from doing what she loves – racing. The ded...
Blindness Cannot Stop These Amazing Sled Dogs From Racing

Tibetan Mastiff Dog Breed: Smart Giant Braveheart

Breed: Tibetan Mastiff
AKC Breed Group: Working
Other Registries: AKC (Working); ANKC (Utility); CKC (Working); FCI (Molossoid); KC (Working); UKC (Guardian)
Weight: 75–160 lbs
Height: 24 -26 inches minimum
Color: Rich Black with or without Tan Markings, Blue with or without Tan Markings, ...
Tibetan Mastiff Dog Breed: Smart Giant Braveheart

US Military Took A Soldier’s Dog Away

Matty is a Czech German Shepherd dog. He’s also a military dog who served in Afghanistan in 2013. Now his partner cannot find him.
On July 20, 2013, Spc. Brent Grommet returned from Afghanistan with Matty. The partnerswentthrough basic training together. They deployed together. They were also i...
US Military Took A Soldier’s Dog Away

Fat Clinic Helps Obese Dogs Lose Weight

Overfeeding and lack of exercise are the main causes of obesity in dogs. Their puppy dog eyes are our kryptonite especially when they are begging for food and we cannot help but feed them more than we should.
Statistics show that half of Britain’s dogs are overweight. Thankfully, a ‘fat’ clinic i...
Fat Clinic Helps Obese Dogs Lose Weight

Daykota The Dog And Baby Jump Together! Hilarious Dog Video!

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks but it doesn’t seem to be the case with this pooch.
Meet Daykota and her little human! This adorable dog and baby pair, are having a cute jump session!
The baby  jumps up and down in her door bouncer and her bouncy shadow catches Daykota’s attenti...
Daykota The Dog And Baby Jump Together! Hilarious Dog Video!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Shepherd Puppy Is Going To Be A Sister! Sweet Dog Video!

This little Shepherd puppy is going to be a sister and she does not know it!
This sister, however is of the human rather than canine kind.
Watch as her mom shows off the baby belly and tries to teach her little pup that she won’t be the only one in the house anymore.
Hopefully the two will ...
Shepherd Puppy Is Going To Be A Sister! Sweet Dog Video!

Thai Ridgeback Dog Breed: Asian Cart Following Dog

Breed: Thai Ridgeback
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Hound); FCI (Spitz and Primitive); UKC (Sighthound & Pariah)
Weight: 51–75 lbs
Height: 20–26 inches
Color: Red, Black, Blue, Light Fawn (Isabella)
Origin: Thailand
Thai Ridgeback Ove...
Thai Ridgeback Dog Breed: Asian Cart Following Dog

Swedish Vallhund Dog Breed: Short-Legged Herding Dog

Breed: Swedish Vallhund
]AKC Breed Group: Herding
Other Registries: AKC (Herding); ANKC (Working); CKC (Herding); FCI (Spitz and Primitive); KC (Pastoral); UKC (Herding)
Weight: 20–35 lbs
Height: 11.5–14 inches
Color: Steel Gray, Greyish Brown, Greyish Yellow, Reddish Yellow, Reddish Bro...
Swedish Vallhund Dog Breed: Short-Legged Herding Dog

Cute Puppy Attacks A Dog! Silly Dog Video!

This cute puppy attacks a dog!
Watch as the dog calmly lays and lets his adorable puppy friend hop and play all over him.
Labs are known for their sweet, calm and loving nature, and this happy guy proves that he is no exception!
What a lucky puppy to have such a gentle friend.
What do you ...
Cute Puppy Attacks A Dog! Silly Dog Video!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

German Shepherd Shows Off Smile! Adorable Dog Video!

This German Shepherd knows how to flash those pearly whites!
But instead of growling or snarling, he’s smiling for his owner!
With a cute pouty look and pretty smiling face, this dog sure knows how to make his owner smile too!
Perhaps it’ll even net him a treat for his fun...
German Shepherd Shows Off Smile! Adorable Dog Video!

Swedish Lapphund Dog Breed: Adventure-Loving Spitz

Breed: Swedish Lapphund
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Herding); ANKC (Working); FCI (Spitz and Primitive); KC (Pastoral); UKC (Northern)
Weight: 33–44 lbs
Height: 15.5–20 inches
Color: Black, Liver; White Markings, Brown, Black and Brown in com...
Swedish Lapphund Dog Breed: Adventure-Loving Spitz

Sussex Spaniel Dog Breed: Vocal Small Game Hunter

Breed: Sussex Spaniel
AKC Breed Group: Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Sporting); ANKC (Gundogs); CKC (Sporting); FCI (Flushing Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 35–50.5 lbs
Height: 13–16 inches
Color: Rich Golden Liver
Origin: England
Sussex Spaniel Overview
Named after the...
Sussex Spaniel Dog Breed: Vocal Small Game Hunter

Dog Becomes Tiger Cub’s Surrogate Mother! Sweet Dog Video!

In an Indian zoo, a Labrador dog acts as the mother of a tiger cub.
The tiger cub was introduced to the caring dog mom when his mother didn’t want to care for him.
Since then, the sweet pooch has been taking care of the cub.
Watch as the tiger cub feeds on the Lab mom’s teats with one of her pups...
Dog Becomes Tiger Cub’s Surrogate Mother! Sweet Dog Video!

Saint Bernard Makes Giant Lap Dog! Huge Dog Video!

This Saint Bernard might have a bit of an identity problem.
He thinks he’s a tiny little Chihuahua!
Without hesitation, this giant dog makes himself comfortable on his owner’s lap, taking up the lap, the owner and most of the couch!
Hopefully his owner works out so he can help lift...
Saint Bernard Makes Giant Lap Dog! Huge Dog Video!

Friday, 7 November 2014

French Bulldog Puppy Learns To Fly! Super Cute Dog Video!

With those big ears, it’s a wonder that French Bulldogs hadn’t learned to fly sooner!
While this puppy may not be actually flying, he’s learned how to jump off the couch into his owner’s waiting arms.
It seems like this is certainly one way for a puppy to learn some trust...
French Bulldog Puppy Learns To Fly! Super Cute Dog Video!

Supervet Helps Fix Dog’s Life-Threatening Condition

Supervet Noel Fitzpartick accomplished an amazing feat when he treated a Labrador Retriever named Ira.
The 18-month-old yellow Labrador received a brand new bionic spine during a life-threatening surgery.
As a puppy, Ira was taken in by Joy, a lovely old lady. She wished to ease her loneliness a...
Supervet Helps Fix Dog’s Life-Threatening Condition

Standard Schnauzer Dog Breed: Dignified Bearded Cutie

Breed: Standard Schnauzer
AKC Breed Group: Working
Other Registries: AKC (Working); ANKC (Utility); CKC (Working); FCI (Pinscher and Schnauzer); KC (Utility); UKC (Guardian)
Weight: 31–44 lbs
Height: 17–22 inches
Color: Pepper and Salt, Pure Black
Origin: Germany
Standard Schnauzer ...
Standard Schnauzer Dog Breed: Dignified Bearded Cutie

Paleo Dieter Eats Dog Food For Almost A Week!

Several trends in fitness and diet are appearing lately. Keeping a strict schedule of exercise and meal plans is a must for health buffs.
One of those health buffs is Anna Kadet — a dedicated Paleo diet follower. Paleo is also know as the “caveman diet”.
Kadet found a cost-effective soluti...
Paleo Dieter Eats Dog Food For Almost A Week!

Operation Home For the Holidays Rescues Dogs From Tennessee Puppy Mill

Several dogs were found covered in layers of filth and matted hair. They may look fluffy but underneath all that fur,their ribcages can be felt.
Scotlund Haisley, president of non-profit Animal Rescue Corps, described the condition of about 100 dogs rescued from a dog breeder in Humboldt,...
Operation Home For the Holidays Rescues Dogs From Tennessee Puppy Mill

There Is Nothing Love Can’t Do! Check Out These Rescued Dogs’ Amazing Transformation!

We all love stories about second chances. They are filled with lessons about hope, struggle, persistence and happy endings. And what’s more heartwarming than stories about innocent and loving dogs?
There are a lot of amazing things that come with owning a rescue dog – especially for those who tre...
There Is Nothing Love Can’t Do! Check Out These Rescued Dogs’ Amazing Transformation!

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog Breed: Sweet Gentle Nanny Dog

Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Terrier
Other Registries: AKC (Terrier); ANKC (Terriers); CKC (Terriers); FCI (Terriers); KC (Terrier); UKC (Terrier)
Weight: 24–38 lbs
Height: 14–16 inches
Color: Red, Fawn, White, Black, Blue, or Any of these colors with White; Any shad...
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog Breed: Sweet Gentle Nanny Dog

Deer Attacks A Dog In Milwaukee County Park

Who would have thought a deer can be aggressive?
A poor pooch was a victim by an unusual attack. A Lab was mauled by a deer and is in bad shape.
Rowdy, that Lab, was attacked by a buck in a Milwaukee County park.
“There was a big buck and a doe. The doe ran right away. And he just came c...
Deer Attacks A Dog In Milwaukee County Park

Labrador Dog And Dachshund At The Beach! Cute Dog Video!

Beach days are the best, especially when a friend tags along!
This Labrador dog and Dachshund at the beach are in for some great fun!
Watch as the two romp and chase in the sand, discovering just how good it feels under the toes!
Beaches are great places to exploring, offering holes to dig, p...
Labrador Dog And Dachshund At The Beach! Cute Dog Video!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Breed: Spanish Water Dog
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Sporting); FCI (Water Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 31–48.5 lbs
Height: 15.5–19.5 inches
Color: Shades of White and Black, White and Brown; Also shades of White, Black, Che...
Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Breed: Spanish Water Dog
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Sporting); FCI (Water Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 31–48.5 lbs
Height: 15.5–19.5 inches
Color: Shades of White and Black, White and Brown; Also shades of White, Black, Che...
Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Breed: Spanish Water Dog
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Sporting); FCI (Water Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 31–48.5 lbs
Height: 15.5–19.5 inches
Color: Shades of White and Black, White and Brown; Also shades of White, Black, Che...
Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Breed: Spanish Water Dog
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Sporting); FCI (Water Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 31–48.5 lbs
Height: 15.5–19.5 inches
Color: Shades of White and Black, White and Brown; Also shades of White, Black, Che...
Spanish Water Dog Breed: Faithful Curly-Haired Dog

Trash Collector Found Skin And Bones Dog In Garbage Can

In Pennsylvania, a garbage collector was surprised when he saw the trash moving. Nathan Binnis, a sanitation worker for Somerset County, Pennsylvania, was on the job on October 30.
When he opened the lid of a garbage can, he immediately called the Humane Society of Westmoreland County after...
Trash Collector Found Skin And Bones Dog In Garbage Can

Malamute Being Fed By Bird! Hilarious Dog Video!

Who says the animal kingdom isn’t smart?
Watch as this adorable cockatoo “sneakily” grabs some noodles off the oven, where her canine friend can’t reach.
Her Malamute buddy waits patiently so the noodles can be dropped right into her waiting mouth!
It seems like these two ...
Malamute Being Fed By Bird! Hilarious Dog Video!

UW Researchers Hope To Prolong Our Dogs’ Lives

All of us dread having to bid our last farewell to beloved dogs. If only each kiss and “I love you” extended their lives by a year, our pooches would probably live to a million years.
It isn’t only dog owners who wonder if it is possible to prolong the lifespan of a dog. Researchers at the ...
UW Researchers Hope To Prolong Our Dogs’ Lives

Stabyhoun Dog Breed: Well-Balanced Family Dutchman

Breed: Stabyhoun
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Sporting); FCI (Pointing Dogs); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 40–55 lbs
Height: 19.5-21 inches
Color: Black, Brown, Orange, All with White Markings
Origin: Netherlands
Stabyhoun Overview
The Stabyhoun h...
Stabyhoun Dog Breed: Well-Balanced Family Dutchman

Burmese Mountain Dog And Ferret Get Love At First Sight

Mischka is a 40kg Burmese Mountain dog and she seems to be smitten with her neighbor in Queens Park in Australia. Her neighbor’s name is Jerry and he is a ferret.
Yep, you read that right. It was love at first sight for Mischka and Jerry, says Susan Mitchell, Jerry’s owner. Susan takes her fer...
Burmese Mountain Dog And Ferret Get Love At First Sight

Help #FindJasper: Border Collie Lost In England’s Highest Mountain Reunites With Owner

Meet Jasper.  He is Adam Nolan’s beloved Border Collie and he was missing. He’s back home again much to the relief of so many.
This Border Collie went missing while on is a treacherous walk in the Lake District.
Jasper’s worried owner Adam Nolan saw his beloved dog at 2pm on Monday, November 2, a...
Help #FindJasper: Border Collie Lost In England’s Highest Mountain Reunites With Owner

Spinone Italiano Dog Breed: Good-Natured Gundog

Breed: Spinone Italiano
AKC Breed Group: Sporting
Other Registries: AKC (Sporting); ANKC (Gundogs); CKC (Sporting); FCI (Pointing Dogs); KC (Gundog); UKC (Gun Dog)
Weight: 62–86 lbs
Height: 22–27.5 inches
Color: White, White with Orange Markings, White with Peppered Orange, White with Bro...
Spinone Italiano Dog Breed: Good-Natured Gundog

London Dog Owners: Does Your Dog’s Breed Reveal The Area Where You Live In?

A recent UK survey revealed what your choice of breed in dogs says about you. Now, it seems your choice of dog breed can also pinpoint your area of residence – if you’re living in London, that is.
Teeny weeny Pugs for City living, fancy Chihuahuas in Islington, affectionate Labrador Retrievers fo...
London Dog Owners: Does Your Dog’s Breed Reveal The Area Where You Live In?

Vizsla Doesn't Like To Wake Up! Funny Dog Video!

This poor Vizsla doesn’t like to wake up.
He just wants to enjoy a lazy afternoon under the covers.
Instead, he’s being woken up by his owners, much to his dislike!
Watch the adorable little whines and very pitiful howl as he tells his people “Please, just five more...
Vizsla Doesn't Like To Wake Up! Funny Dog Video!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Dachshund Plays With Kitten! Adorable Dog Video!

This Dachshund is enjoying playing with their bob-tailed kitten friend!
However, it may also be that the Dachshund himself thinks he’s a cat!
Watch as he adorably hides in the cat tower’s cubbyhole, waiting to pounce back at his kitten friend.
It seems these two will get along just...
Dachshund Plays With Kitten! Adorable Dog Video!

Marnie The Shih Tzu Gets Celebrity Fans

When Shirley Braha adopted this Shih Tzu in 2012, nobody knew the pooch would become an Instagram celebrity.
“She’s like a little person, but even more special,” Brahatalks about Marnie. “She’s like a furry little angel, and she’s just content being in everyone’s arms.”

A pho...
Marnie The Shih Tzu Gets Celebrity Fans

Two Rodents Groom Their Canine Child

This is Baladi.
This dog was once left for dead on the streets of Cairo, Egypt. She was found by an expat – the poor dog was living in a pot with her littermates, who were dying off one by one.
Now, she is living the life in the United States with her new family: a human, another canine sibling, ...
Two Rodents Groom Their Canine Child

Spanish Mastiff Dog Breed: Calm Loose-Skinned Molosser

Breed: Spanish Mastiff
AKC Breed Group: Foundation Stock Service
Other Registries: AKC (FSS: Working); ANKC (Utility); FCI (Molossoid); UKC (Guardian)
Weight: 90–220 lbs
Height: 28.5.5–31.5 inches
Color: Immaterial, Although Yellow, Fawn Red, Black, Wolf-colored most appreciated
Origin: Sp...
Spanish Mastiff Dog Breed: Calm Loose-Skinned Molosser

Military Dog Rappels Down The AT&T Stadium! Best Highlight Of A Football Game!

On November 2, the football game between Arizona Cardinals and Dallas Cowboys was kickstarted by an amazing act by a pooch!
The extreme yet adorable highlight features a U.S. Navy SEAL and his dog rappelling from the AT&T Stadium scoreboard!
A member of the U.S. Navy Seals descends from the...
Military Dog Rappels Down The AT&T Stadium! Best Highlight Of A Football Game!

Labrador Puppy And Life! Adorable Pup Video!

Nothing beats a brand-new puppy, and this cute dog knows just how to be adorable!
The slideshow of images combined with cute video footage and calming music will have everyone smiling along and wanting a pooch of their own.
As this sweet little puppy proves, who could resist that adorably w...
Labrador Puppy And Life! Adorable Pup Video!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Siberian Huskies Have Conversation! Silly Dog Video!

These two adorable Siberian Huskies seem to have a language of their own.
Watch as they whine, yip, bark and howl to each other, making sure the other understands what they are saying!
Do you think these two are making it up as they go along, or speaking some unknown dog language?
Watch and...
Siberian Huskies Have Conversation! Silly Dog Video!

Irish Wolfhound Fosters Orphaned Kitten

An Irish Wolfhound fosters a tiny kitten.
Roomba, a tiny 13 week-old kitty, was found abandoned when she was only three days old. Her mother was run over and killed by a car. Roomba was taken in by Annie Georgeson and the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Aoife,an I...
Irish Wolfhound Fosters Orphaned Kitten

Bentley The Dallas Ebola Dog Finally Reunites With His Owner

It was a heartwarming moment for Bentley, the Dallas Ebola dog. He has been reunited with Nina Pham, his owner, after a precautionary 21-day quarantine.
“Bentley re-entering my life is another reminder of hope and encouragement for me moving forward and living my life to its fullest with...
Bentley The Dallas Ebola Dog Finally Reunites With His Owner

Adorable Baby Crawls To Labrador! Sweet Dog Video!

This is definitely a pawsome moment!
Watch this little baby girl’s first crawl towards her four-legged brother!
This enthusiastic little girl seems to be smitten by the Lab’s adorable charm and wants to snuggle right up beside him!
A few excited crawls after, the little girl finally ...
Adorable Baby Crawls To Labrador! Sweet Dog Video!

Animal Advocates Call For End Of Dog Racing In Florida

Ellen Schmidt holds a sign saying “Greyhounds are love.”  She cannot help but think of her own two Greyhounds.
“They are just like real dogs and they are sweet and they are kind and they love people,” she said.
She adopted her beloved pooches seven years ago from the ...
Animal Advocates Call For End Of Dog Racing In Florida

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Dog Breed: Adorable Curly Hunter

Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Terrier
Other Registries: AKC (Terrier); ANKC (Terriers); CKC (Terriers); FCI (Terriers); KC (Terrier); UKC (Terrier)
Weight: 35–45 lbs
Height: 17–19.5 inches
Color: Any shade of Wheaten
Origin: Ireland
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier ...
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Dog Breed: Adorable Curly Hunter

Seeing Eye Dog Motivates Blind Man To Run New York City Marathon

Thousands of runners participated in the New York City Marathon. One of those runners was Thomas Panek and he is rather different from most of the other runners.  Thomas is blind.
Thomas ran to raise funds for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, a non-profit organization of which he is president and ...
Seeing Eye Dog Motivates Blind Man To Run New York City Marathon

Various Dogs Show Their Clumsy Sides! Funny Dog Video!

Whether your dog is a Labrador Retriever, or German Shepherd and everything in between, chances are he’s been clumsy!
Watch this funny video compilation as various dogs show their clumsy sides!
Giggle as each dog shows off a silly move, while sometimes even recovering nicely.
What a group o...
Various Dogs Show Their Clumsy Sides! Funny Dog Video!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Golden Retriever Balancing Trick! Amazing Dog Video!

This Golden Retriever has the most patience of any dog at all!
Watch as he sits there perfectly still while his owners balance over 36 treats on his nose!
The amazing steadiness, patience and willingness to sit there is much more than any regular dog could do.
It seems like this dog has one...
Golden Retriever Balancing Trick! Amazing Dog Video!

Downtown Abbey Producers Come Up With Sad Solution To Doggy Problem

Some people take fictional character names seriously – even fictional doggy character’s names. Downton Abbey was tagged by several people in social media asking that one of the Labrador’s name be changed so the show’s producer had to do something. They came up with a rather drastic solution to th...
Downtown Abbey Producers Come Up With Sad Solution To Doggy Problem

Spooky Or Cute: Bird Dog Wins TV Costume Contest

A woman from Escondido, California dressed up her Golden Labrador mix as Mother Goose. The adorable pooch was hailed the winner of a national Halloween costume contest on ABC’s “Good Morning America” TV show last Friday.
Judy Fridono made the goose costume by hand and Rina, her 11 year-old pooch...
Spooky Or Cute: Bird Dog Wins TV Costume Contest

Woman Turns Her Dog Into A Tiger

Millie, a Cavachon or Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-Bichon Frise mix, turns heads when she’s out for a walk with her owner. Coupled with her undeniable charm, Millie’s is an undeniable eye-catcher thanks to her color – her owner painted her to look like a tiger! Rawr!
Dog groomer Jackie Simmonds ...
Woman Turns Her Dog Into A Tiger

Adopted Pit Bull Has An Awesome New Life – Sticking His Tongue Out And All!

Right from the beginning, Gunner, an adopted Pit Bull dog, showed himself to be a great fit with his new family. He sticks his tongue out for a photo, just like his new family.
“It’s funny because we do tongue pics as a joke all the time,” says Antonio Beretini. He is the guy...
Adopted Pit Bull Has An Awesome New Life – Sticking His Tongue Out And All!

Labrador Dog Gets Tricked! Funny Dog Video!

Harmless jokes are great for everyone involved, including this unsuspecting dog!
Watch his cat-like reflexes in chasing a beam of light as it moves about the yard and even up the wall.
Little does this super happy pooch know, but beams of light can never be caught!
He’ll sure have a fun ...
Labrador Dog Gets Tricked! Funny Dog Video!

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Pitbull Terrier Adopts A Bunny! Adorable Dog Video!

While dogs have historically been bred to hunt prey such as rabbits, this Pitbull Terrier has instead decided to adopt one!
Watch as this beautiful spotty girl gently cleans her baby bunny, making sure that everyone is clean and happy!
It appears that this Pittie mother is perfect for her bunny...
Pitbull Terrier Adopts A Bunny! Adorable Dog Video!

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Staffordshire Terrier Makes A Wrestling Buddy! Funny Dog Video!

This American Staffordshire Terrier puppy is having a blast with his new best friend a Labrador Retriever!
The two appear to be having some fun wrestling, with the Staffordshire performing the most moves.
However, tails are wagging for both as they enjoy some dog to dog bonding and...
Staffordshire Terrier Makes A Wrestling Buddy! Funny Dog Video!

Dogs Eat Ice Cream In Distinct Ways! Funny Dog Video!

Every dog owner – especially those who own two or more dogs – knows that canines have unique and distinct personalities, like humans. These two pooches are the perfect canine example!
This is Cooper, a Labrador Retriever. He is in a car with his owner and his Puggle – cross of Pug and Beagle – si...
Dogs Eat Ice Cream In Distinct Ways! Funny Dog Video!

Smooth Fox Terrier Dog Breed: Friendly Stubby-Tailed Hunter

Breed: Smooth Fox Terrier
AKC Breed Group: Terrier
Other Registries: AKC (Terrier); ANKC (Terriers); CKC (Terriers); FCI (Terriers); KC (Terrier); UKC (Terrier)
Weight: 15.5–18 lbs
Height: 15.5 inches
Color: All White or predominantly White with Tan, Black and Tan, or Black m...
Smooth Fox Terrier Dog Breed: Friendly Stubby-Tailed Hunter

Are Cyber-Enhanced Dogs In Our Future?

The era of the cyber-enhanced dogs is almost on us. No, we aren’t talking about robot dogs because that might be too scary.
With the use of a smartphone app, dog owners might one day be able to tell when their dog is chasing a squirrel, stressed out, or getting his belly rubbed.
The C...
Are Cyber-Enhanced Dogs In Our Future?

Labrador Dog In 60 Seconds! Sweet Dog Video!

This video with soothing music and the antics of a playful Labrador dog in 60 seconds is so fun to see.
Watch him happily pose for a close up, standing around, and just experiencing life as a Lab!
After his posing session, this lucky guy is rewarded with a nice treat and comfy bed.
What a great...
Labrador Dog In 60 Seconds! Sweet Dog Video!