AKC Breed Group: Herding
Other Registries: ANKC (Working); CKC (Herding); FCI (Sheepdogs); KC (Pastoral); UKC (Herding)
Weight: 75-100 lbs
Height: Male: 23-27; Female: 22-25.5 inches
Color: All Uniform Colors Except White (Includes Black, Tawny, and Gray Shades)
Origin: France
Briard Overview
This dog breed was originally used to guard and herd sheep. The Briard has been owned by historical figures such as Napoleon, Thomas Jefferson, Lafayette and Charlemagne. This breed has an acute sense of hearing and was often used by the French Army to search for injured soldiers. Today, the dog is an esteemed companion dog and still serves as a guardian and herder.
Briard Characteristics
This is a rugged and agile, medium sized dog breed. The Briard is unique in appearance and possess an almost human-like appearance. This breed is exceptionally powerful with a commanding presence. The Briard is often referred to as “a heart wrapped in fur”.
Briard Temperament
As a protective, smart, loving and devoted dog breed. The Briard makes a delightful family pet. Once they have bonded with their family, the dog remains totally committed for life. Human contact is essential for this breed. The breed is happiest when treated as part of the family. This breed is aloof with strangers and does not adapt easily to change. They are sensitive and obedient, but definitely have a mind of their own. This breed is good-natured and gets along well with children, provided they are not teased. Without proper socialization, the Briard tends to be aggressive toward other dogs. The Briard has strong herding instincts and attempts to herd everything that moves.
Briard Care
The coat of this breed naturally sheds dirt and water. The Briard requires daily brushing and combing to prevent matting and tangling. If properly groomed, they shed little hair. To preserve the natural oils of the coat, it should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. Frequent bathing damages the coat and makes it more difficult to groom. Their ears must be kept clean. The Briard is generally a healthy breed, but may be prone to PRA, hip dysplasia andcataracts.
Briard Coat
This dog breed has a long double coat. The outer coat of the Briard is almost goat-like. The hair is slightly wavy and dry and harsh to the touch. This breed has long hair covering the eyes that owners usually pin up. The dog has a distinctive beard, mustache and eyebrows. The under coat is fine in texture and provides insulation from the harsh and cold climates. The color of the coat comes in gray, black or multiple shades of fawn.
Briard Training
Intense and extensive socialization from an early age is absolutely mandatory for this dog breed. The Briard has an excellent memory and is very trainable. This breed requires a firm owner that is able to take charge. If not correctly treated and trained, the Briard can become extremely fearful and unfriendly.. This breed does not respond well to severe, unfair or heavy-handed training. These methods will cause the Briard to become withdrawn and aggressive. Training should be performed with consistency, firmness, patience and love. The Briard excels at search and rescue, police training and protection work.
Briard Activity
This dog breed has is higly energetic. Briards are natural athletes. They require daily exercise and become restless without it. This breed loves to swim and makes an ideal walking and jogging companion. The Briard adapts well to apartment and city living if sufficiently exercised. They are moderately active indoors and do best with an average sized yard. This breed desires great deal of activity, entertainment and interaction. The Briard will not allow themselves to be ignored.
Briard Video
Learn more:
Briard Dog Breed: Commanding Guardian and Herder
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