Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Brussels Griffon Dog Breed: Awesome Belgian Companion

Breed: Brussels Griffon

AKC Breed Group: Toys

Other Registries: ANKC (Toys); CKC (Toys); FCI (Companion and Toy); KC (Toy); UKC (Companion)

Weight: 8-10 lbs

Height: 7-8 inches

Color: Red, Beige (Mixed Reddish Brown and Black), Black and Tan, or Black

Origin: Belgium



Brussels Griffon Dog 1 300x170 Brussels Griffon Overview

Named for their city of origin, Brussels in Belguim, the Brussels Griffon  may refer to three different breeds, the Griffon Bruxellois, the Griffon Belge and the Petit Brabançon.



Brussels Griffon Dog 2 300x176 Brussels Griffon Characteristics

This dog breed has an almost human-like expression. The Brussels Griffon makes an awesome and cheerful companion dog. The dog is good with other pets, including cats and smaller animals, but does best with older, considerate children. This dog breed is both sensitive and curious, but demanding. It exudes love and is extremely affectionate towards its owners. This dog breed loves to bark, making them good alarm dogs. The breed is intelligent  and should be trained from an early age.


Brussels Griffon Dog 3 219x300 Brussels Griffon Temperament

Cheerful and friendly, but sometimes moody, the Brussels Griffon breed can be a little finicky. As with many smaller breeds, the Brussels Griffon can be a challenge to housebreak, but with persistence and consistency, they do learn. The breed tends to be willful and highly-strung  so gentle, but firm handling works best.




Brussels Griffon Dog 4 300x225 Brussels Griffon Care

The coat of this dog breed requires a fair amount of maintenance. Daily brushing to keep the coat shiny and clean, and prevent any matting and tangling is necessary. The beard around the mouth area should be cleaned regularly to prevent caking. The Brussels Griffon sheds little hair.



Brussels Griffon Dog 5 300x225 Brussels Griffon Coat

There are two coat varieties for the breed: rough and smooth. The hair of the rough-coated is harsh, dense and wiry. The smooth-coated Brussels Griffon is the quite the opposite – glossy, straight and short.



Brussels Griffon Dog 6 297x300 Brussels Griffon Training

This dog breed tends to lose interest fairly quickly and requires consistency and variation in training, and a bit of fun will go a long way. Obedience classes are recommended, but not essential.




Brussels Griffon Dog 7 300x176 Brussels Griffon Activity

Although a lively and hyperactive breed, the Brussels Griffon does not require much exercise in addition to their normal activities.


Brussels Griffon Video


Learn more:


Brussels Griffon Dog Breed: Awesome Belgian Companion

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