Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Dutch Shepherd Dog Breed: Versatile Guard Dog

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Breed: Dutch Shepherd

Breed Group: Not AKC Recognized

Weight: 55-67 lbs

Height: 22-25 inches

Color: Varied shades of brindle: blue, yellow, silver, gray, red, gold

Dutch Shepherd Overview

This dog breed originated during the 1800′s in the Netherlands as an all-purpose dog. The Dutch Shepherd was used as a cart-puller, herder, police dog and used for guard dog. This dog breed is very rare in North America, and there are limited numbers in their native Holland. Dutch Shepherds are prized for their quick reflexes and versatility.


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Dutch Shepherd Characteristics

The most distinctive feature of the Dutch Shepherd is the brindled coat. This dog breed is medium in size and weight, well proportioned, muscular and powerful. The Dutch Shepherd has an  intelligent expression and lively temperament.


Dutch Shepherd Temperament

This dog breed is affectionate, lively, obedient, reliable and devoted. The Dutch Shepherd usually bonds extremely closely with an individual member of the family, but is loving towards the entire family. This dog breed is protective of their family, home and territory and makes a superb watch and guard dogs. The Dutch Shepherd is an alert, active and enthusiastic worker. This breed gets along well with older children, other dogs and non-canine pets. The breed requires a fair amount of attention and can become destructive if bored or lonely.


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Dutch Shepherd Care

The amount of maintenance required for this dog breed depends largely on the coat type. The short and longhaired varieties of Dutch Shepherd both require regular brushing to remove dead and loose hair. The wirehaired Dutch Shepherd should be professionally plucked at least twice a year. To preserve the natural oils of the skin and coat, the breed should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. There are no documented health issues associated with the breed, but this could be due to the rarity of the breed.


Dutch Shepherd Coat

This dog breed comes in three coat varieties: wire, long, and short. The coat of the wirehaired Dutch Shepherd is coarse and medium in length. The longhaired dog has a harsh, straight, flat and long coat. The coat of the shorthaired Dutch Shepherd is dense, short and of fine in texture. All three-coat types are weather-resistant.


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Dutch Shepherd Training

This dog breed requires a fairly dominant handler. The Dutch Shepherd is intelligent and learns quickly. Training should be varied to keep the Dutch Shepherd interested and occupied. This breed excels at obedience, police work, military work and guarding. Training should always be performed with firmness, fairness and consistency.


Dutch Shepherd Activity

This dog breed needs a relatively active owner and is not suited to those with a sedentary lifestyle. The Dutch Shepherd thrives on exercise, activity and like to have a job to do. This breed is not suited to apartment or city living and a large, securely fenced yard or rural environment is preferable. Physical and mental stimulation is essential for the well-being of the Dutch Shepherd. This breed makes a wonderful walking and jogging companion, but they should always be securely leashed.


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Dutch Shepherd Video


Dutch Shepherd in the News

Authorities hunting prisoners cellphones. Columbus Dispatch. Dyna a Dutch shepherd dog is trained to sniff out the nearly imperceptible amount of gas emitted by cellphone batteries. In a year and half on the job Dyna has sniffed out two cellphones and one cellphone battery she is also trained to find tobacco.…

Dutch Shepherd around the Web

A deputy and his dog. Belgrade News. The Deputy Sheriff kneels down in the dusty parking lot and places a flat wooden board across his lap. A Dutch Shepherd dog comes running toward him launches off the board and into the large SUV. Deputy Doug Lieurance is helping his dog Hondo into.…

Dutch Shepherd Dog Breed: Versatile Guard Dog

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