Sunday, 23 March 2014

Afghan Hound Dog Breed: An Elegant Noble Dog

Breed: Afghan Hound

AKC Breed Group: Hound

Other Registries:  ANKC (Hounds); CKC (Hounds); FCI (Sighthounds); KC (Hound); UKC (Sighthound & Pariah)

Weight: Males approx. 60 lb (27 kg)/Females approx. 50 lb (22.5 kg)

Height: Males 26–29 in (66–73.5 cm)/females 24–27 in (61–69 cm)

Color: All colors (except spotted)

Origin: Afghanistan

 Afghan Hound overview

afghan hound 300x199 A truly elegant and noble dog breed. The Afghan Hound makes a superb companion and their popularity has increased over the years.

Afgan’s are aloof, graceful, devoted and loyal. These dogs can be slightly reserved around strangers. Early socialization is a necessity for this breed.

Around the world, the Afghan Hound breed is  known by  numerous names, including Balkh Hound, Baluchi Hound, Barutzy Hound,  Galanday Hound,  Kabul Hound, Ogar Afgan, Sage Baluchi, Shalgar Hound and Tazi.

Afghan Hound characteristics

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The Afghan Hound is gay, beautiful and smart. These beautiful dogs excels in the show ring. They are a very dignified dog breed. Afghan Hounds  do tend to be defiant, if not trained correctly.

In the right home and family environment, this breed thrives and will become the center of your world.

Afghan Hound temperament

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The Afgan Hound is an exceptionally noble and courageous breed.

They are sweet, devoted and loving dogs, but have a tendency to be sensitive and should be treated as such.

They do well with older children and very well with other pets, provided they are socialized from an early age.

Afghan Hound care

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The Afghan’s coat requires quite a lot of care.

Weekly baths are need to keep the coat from matting. Brushing can actually make the coat matte more easily and cause problems.

Special grooming tools are necessary for this breed.

Afghan Hound coat

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The coat of the Afghan Hound is lustrous, silky and thick, with a very fine texture on the ribs, legs, and hindquarters.

There are numerous requirements for the coat, the most important being that it should never be trimmed and always remain as natural as possible.

The hair on the ears and feet is feathered.

Afghan Hound training

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Afghan’s are sensitive dogs and should be trained gently, but consistently.

Without  proper training and socialization, the Afgan Hound tends to be disobedient and destructive.

Obedience classes are a must for this dog breed.

Afghan Hound activity

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A secure and fenced area in which the Afghan Hound can run is best.

Afgan’s thrive on daily walks and about thirty minutes of running per day.

As their long coats cause them to become hot easily, fresh water should always be on hand.

 Afghan Hound Video

Find out more at the Afghan Hound Club of America.

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