Monday, 24 March 2014

Akita Dog Breed: Great Japanese Dog

Breed: Akita

AKC Breed Group: Working

Other Registries: ANKC (Utility); CKC (Working); FCI (Spitz and Primitive); KC (Utility); UKC (Northern)

Weight: Males 100–130 lb (45.5–59 kg)/females 70–100 lb (31.5–45.5 kg)

Height: Males 26–28 in (66–71 cm)/females 24–26 in (61–66 cm)

Color: Any color, including white, brindle, fawn, red, pinto

Origin: Japan

Akita Overview

Akita dog breed4 300x200 A truly noble and distinguished dog breed.

The breed originated in Japan and has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. The breed was an extremely prized and revered dog, solely owned by nobility and aristocracy.

The breed was utilized in various capacities, including bear and boar hunting, and waterfowl retrieving. The American Akita is considered a separate breed from the Akita Inu (Japanese Akita) in many countries around the world.

They are  the largest of the Spitz-type breeds.

Today, these dogs are faithful companions and guard dogs.

Akita Characteristics

Akita dog breed1 300x200 This dog breed is big, strong and muscular. They are powerful alert, responsive and courageous dogs.

The paws of the Akita breed are webbed, making them excellent swimmers.

These dogs carry themselves with dignity and have a slightly reserved nature.

Akita Temperament

Akita dog breed 300x224 These are extremely clever, fearless, and spontaneous dogs.

They thrive on human companionship. They are devoted to their family and those they are familiar with, but wary and distant with strangers.

The dog is exceedingly protective of their family, territory, and food., and tend to be aggressive towards other dogs and pets. They are better suited to families with older children.

They are excellent guard dogs, but are prone to excessive barking.  They thrive on companionship and should not be left alone for extended intervals . Akita’s require a lot of attention and are not well-suited to amateur dog owners or placid handlers.

Akita Care

Akita dog breed6 300x242 Daily brushing with a bristle brush is necessary to care for this dog breed’s lustrous coat.

They should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. A light shampoo is recommended to prevent stripping the coat of pure oils.

It is very important preserve the hair on the underside of the paws to protect their webbed feet.

This dog breed is prone to hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, eye problems, and lupus.

 Akita Coat

Akita dog breed2 300x235 The Akita has a double, waterproof coat.

The outer coat is rough, straight, and stands a little off the body. The under coat is dense, soft and close to the body.

The hair on the head, legs, and ears is short, whereas the hair on the tail is long and plentiful.

This breed typically shed their coat twice a year.

Coat colors include pure white, red, sesame, and brindle.

Akita Training

Akita dog breed5 300x280 The Akita requires intensive socialization and obedience training.

They have a tendency towards dominance and it is crucial that they know who their master is or they will take charge.

They do not respond to harsh or heavy-handed training techniques. These dogs respond well to kindness, firmness, equity, and consistency.

They are naturally clean dogs and easier to house-train than many other breeds.

Akita Activity

Akita dog breed3 300x256 The Akita breed does not require excessive exercise.

This dog breed is only moderately active indoors.

They like to play with their family and to be involved in household activities.

These dogs can become bored easily and are likely to be destructive if left alone for extended periods.

They take pleasure in a daily walk, but it is vital they are very securely leashed and kept apart from other dogs.

They are not well-suited to apartment living and do best in large, securely- fenced yard.

 Akita Video

Find out more:

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