Breed Group: Working Dogs
Weight: Male: 100; Female: 78 lbs
Height: Male: 23-26, Female: 20-23 inches
Color: blue merle, brown merle, red merle brindle, tan, red, brown, black, white
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Overview
A rare and intelligent dog breed. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog falls within the Mastiff breed. This breed is almost extinct, with only between 100 and 200 Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog’s remaining world-wide. The breed resulted from a breeding program started by the Lane Household in Georgia, USA that continued for three generations. The program started back in the 1800′s and was intended to rescue the “plantation dog” of Southern Georgia that was nearing extinction.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Characteristics
The Alapaha is a grand and highly effective bulldog. The breed has a broad head and naturally droopy ears. Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog’s are great protectors, companions and farm dogs. The Alapaha is highly intelligent and talented. For hundreds of years, Alapahas were used on farms to work cattle and catch hogs.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Temperament
The Alapaha is a powerful, agile and athletic dog that has tremendous endurance. The term “blue blood” is a reference to their aristocratic demeanor. Guarding is a natural instinct for the Alapaha and they avidly protect their families and children. Contrary to popular belief, the Alapaha was not bred to be aggressive. The love to play and are very good with children, other dogs and cats.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Care
Little grooming is needed. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is an average shedder. Regular brushing to remove dead hair can lessen this. The Alapaha is susceptible to entropion, an inversion of the eyelids, and cherry eye or inflammation of the tear duct.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Coat
The Alapaha‘s coat is relatively short and quite stiff. The color of the coat includes blue merle, brown merle, red merle brindle, tan, crimson, brown, black, and white.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Training
The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is very intelligent and learns quickly. This breed excels at obedience. The Alapaha is easy to house-train and fast to learn to walk on a leash.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Activity
The Alapaha is an extremely energetic and athletic breed. They do well in an apartment, if sufficiently exercised. Indoors, the Alapaha tends to be inactive. Ideally, this breed should have an average-sized yard. The Alapaha enjoys long walks and loves to run around and play.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Video
Learn more at the Alapaha Blue-Blood Bulldog Association
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Dog Breed: Brave Guard Dog
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