AKC Breed Group: Herding
Other Registries: ANKC (Working); CKC (Herding); FCI (Cattle Dogs); KC (Pastoral); UKC (Herding)
Weight: 35-45 lbs
Height: Male: 18-20, Female: 17-19 inches
Color: Blue or blue-mottled, purple speckled
Origin: Australia
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Overview
This dog breed originated in Australia in the 19th century. The Australian Cattle Dog Blue Heeler is bred for endurance, herding capabilities and general toughness. They are also known as the Blue Heeler, Purple Heeler and Queensland Heeler. The Australian Cattle Dog is one of the most popular dog breeds in Australia.
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Characteristics
This dog breed is compact, sturdy, agile and alert. The Australian Cattle Dog Blue Heeler has proved to be trustworthy, brave and is completely devoted to their duties. They are great athletes; a true combination of steadiness, power and muscular conditioning. Australian Cattle Dog puppies are born white, but their color develops within a few weeks.
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Temperament
This is an especially intelligent, loyal, and affectionate breed of dog. The Australian Cattle Dog is protective of their family, residence and territory. This breed thrives on human interaction and activity, but bores easily. The Australian Cattle Dog gets along relatively well with the children they were raised with, but as a rule are not good with children and other pets. Because of their innate heading instinct, the Australian Cattle Dog tends to nip at the heels of everything that moves. This breed is usually suspicious and wary of strangers and tends to be aggressive to dogs they do not know. The Australian Cattle Dog can be extremely dominant and is not recommended for the novice or sedentary dog owner.
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Care
This breed requires weekly brushing with a stiff bristle brush. Australian Cattle Dogs are seasonal shedders and special attention should be given to the coat during these periods. An occasional bath with a light shampoo may be required, but only when absolutely necessary. The Australian Cattle Dog is prone to health issues such as PRA, deafness and hip dysplasia.
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Coat
The Australian Cattle Dog has a weather-resistant double coat. The outer coat of this breed is flat, hard and straight. The under coat is short and dense. Australian Cattle Dog’s come in a variety of colors, including blue, purple speckle, blue speckle or blue-mottled. All puppies are born white, but the color that will develop is apparent from the paw pads. This breed is a seasonal shedder.
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Training
Intense socialization and obedience from puppy-stage are crucial for the Australian Cattle Dog. This breed tends to be extremely obedient. This breed should be trained with firmness, fairness, praise, consistency and patience. The Australian Cattle Dog is very talented in areas such as herding, agility, retrieving, guarding, obedience and tricks.
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Activity
This dog breed has an inordinate amount of stamina and requires a substantial amount of exercise. If not sufficiently stimulated, the Australian Cattle Dog can be extremely destructive. This breed is not suited to apartment or city living and does best in a rural environment or a large, secure yard.
Australian Cattle Dog – Blue Heeler Video
Learn more:
- AKC Australian Cattle Dog Breed Standard
- Australian Cattle Dog Club of America, Inc.
- The Australian Cattle Dog Club Of Victoria Inc
Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler) Dog Breed: Trustworthy Shepherd
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