Sunday, 30 March 2014

Beauceron Dog Breed: Strong Military Dog

 Breed: Beauceron

AKC Breed Group: Herding

Other Registries: FCI (Sheepdogs); KC (Working); UKC (Herding)

Weight: Male: 75-85, Female: 65-75 lbs

Height: Male: 25-27, Female: 24-26 inches

Color: Black and Tan; Harlequin with Patches of Gray, Black, Tan

Origin: France


Beauceron Dog 1 300x170 Beauceron Overview

Developed in France in the 1500′s, the Beauceron is a large sheepdog that was used by farmers to protect cattle, sheep and the homestead. This dog breed was used as messengers by the French military during World Wars I and II. The breed is also prized for their ability to detecting mines and follow trails and directions. Today, the Beauceron continues to be used by the military and police forces. This breed also makes a fine companion dog.


Beauceron Dog 7 284x300 Beauceron Characteristics

This dog breed is a powerful, strong, and well-balanced. The Beauceron is tireless and intelligent. They move effortlessly and fluidly, with grace, giving the impression that they are gliding.




Beauceron Dog 6 251x300 Beauceron Temperament

This dog breed is well known for their loyalty and devotion. The Beauceron is a gentle, calm, courageous and intelligent dog. Because of their natural herding instinct, they are not well-suited to homes with small children, but the Beauceron gets along very well with older children. They are a protective breed and make outstanding watch dogs. The breed is wary of intruding dogs or strangers. As a rule, this breed gets along with other dogs, especially those they were raised with.



Beauceron Dog 4 300x256 Beauceron Care

This dog breed requires brushing at least twice a week. The Beauceron is a seasonal shedder and extras brushing may be required during these times. To preserve the natural oils of the coat, the Beauceron should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. This breed is susceptible to CHD and gastric torsion.



Beauceron Dog 5 300x267 Beauceron Coat

This dog breed has a double coat that is course and climate-resistant. The under coat of the Beauceron is fluffy and wooly in texture and the outer coat is rough, straight and of medium length. The tail is fringed.




Beauceron Dog 3 257x300 Beauceron Training

This dog breed requires early obedience training and socialization. The Beauceron can tend to be dominant and this breed needs to know who the “boss” is. They are highly trainable dogs and training should be performed with fairness, firmness and consistency.




Beauceron Dog 2 300x201 Beauceron Activity

This dog breed thrives on physical and psychological stimulation. When bored, the Beauceron tends to become destructive. Because of their loyalty and devotion, this breed does not do well as an outside pet. Daily training and exercise are essential. The breed takes pleasure in free play and lengthy walks. Provided they are sufficiently stimulated and exercise, the dog adapts well to most environments, but a large fenced yard is preferable.


Baeuceron Video

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Beauceron Dog Breed: Strong Military Dog

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