Friday, 28 March 2014

Appenzell Mountain Dog Breed: Hardworking Alpine Dog

Breed: Appenzeller Mountain Dog

Breed Group: AKC Foundation Stock Service

Other Registries: FCI (Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs); UKC (Guardian)

Weight: Male: 60-70, Female: 50-60 lbs

Height: Male: 22-23, Female: 18-20 inches

Color: Tri-color; Black, Tan, and White

Origin: Switzerland


Appenzell Mountain Dog 2 300x225 Appenzell Mountain Dog Overview

Of the Alpine dog breeds, the Appenzell Mountain Dog is the least well-known and the most rare. This dog breed originated in Switzerland, where they were used to guard and herd cattle, pull carts and as rescue dogs. The Appenzell Mountain Dog has retained their working heritage and is difficult to find.



Appenzell Mountain Dog 7 300x203 Appenzell Mountain Dog Characteristics

This dog breed is muscular, athletic and powerful. The Appenzell possesses super endurance and agility. They are versatile, utilitarian and hard-working dogs.



Appenzell Mountain Dog 5 219x300 Appenzell Mountain Dog Temperament

This dog breed is not suitable for first time dog owners. Although loyal and devoted companions, the Appenzell Mountain Dog is essentially a working breed and not a pet. They are hardy, courageous and affectionate dogs who are extremely protective of their household, house and territory. The Appenzell Mountain Dog does best with older, more considerate children. They do get along well with other dogs and household pets. The Appenzell does not like to be ignored and has a tendency to become destructive if lonely or deprived of attention. This breed is prone to incessant barking.


Appenzell Mountain Dog 4 300x257 Appenzell Mountain Dog Care

The Appenzell Mountain Dog requires occasional brushing with a firm bristle brush to remove loose and dead hair. Weekly brushing is recommended. The ears and paw pads should be checked regularly for debris. To preserve the natural oils of the coat, this breed should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. The Appenzell Mountain Dog has no documented health issues, but this could be as a result of the breed’s rarity.

Appenzell Mountain Dog 3 300x225 Appenzell Mountain Dog Coat

This dog breed has a double coat. The outer coat is thick, short and glossy. The under coat is soft and dense. The Appenzell Mountain Dog breed is heavy shedding breed.



Appenzell Mountain Dog 6 300x193 Appenzell Mountain Dog Training

It is crucial that this dog breed receives socialization and obedience training at a young age. The Appenzell Mountain Dog breed is extremely intelligent, but has a tendency to dominance and requires a firm handler. This breed does not respond well to harsh or heavy-handed methods and the best results are achieved through firmness, respect, fairness, and consistency.


Appenzell Mountain Dog 1 203x300 Appenzell Mountain Dog Activity

This dog breed is unsuitable for house or city living. The Appenzell Mountain Dog requires an inordinate quantity of physical exercise and mental stimulation. This breed is best suited to rural living where there is a lot of room to roam and a job to do.




Appenzell Mountain Dog Video


Learn more:


Appenzell Mountain Dog Breed: Hardworking Alpine Dog

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