Wednesday, 26 March 2014

American Foxhound Dog Breed: Energetic Hunting Dog

Breed: American Foxhound

AKC Breed Group: Hound

Other Registries: CKC (Hounds); FCI (Scenthounds); UKC (Scenthound)

Weight: Male: 70-75; Female: 65-70 lbs

Height: Male: 22-25 Female: 21-24 inches

Color: black, white, tan in either a bi-color or tri-color pattern

Origin: United States


American Foxhound 4 300x170 American Foxhound Overview

A sleek, athletic and energetic breed. The American Foxhound is a direct descendant of English and French hounds. This dog breed was used during the seventeenth century to seek out Indians. In later years, the American Foxhound was revered for its talent in hunting wild animals. This breed was never intended solely a companion. They were a popular breed among the wealthy who enjoyed fox hunting.


American Foxhound 3 300x225 American Foxhound Characteristics

This dog breed has tremendous stamina. The American Foxhound  is a keen hunter known for its ability to follow a scent.  As an active hunting dog, they will follow any scent without commands. They are tolerant, social, amiable and active dogs.





American Foxhound 2 300x266 American Foxhound Temperament

The American Foxhound is gentle and loving with their family, and courageous and formidable during a hunt. This dog breed does well with children and other dogs, but not other non-canine pets. They are not ideally suitable as house pets due to their breeding as pack hounds.





American Foxhound 5 200x300 American Foxhound Care

Regular brushing should be done with a firm bristle brush. The American Foxhound should only be bathed when absolutely necessary. Their ears need to be checked frequently for debris. The breed is a relatively healthy breed, but has a tendency to gain weight if overfed and under-exercised.




American Foxhound 1 300x283 American Foxhound Coat

The  coat of the American Foxhound is medium in length. The coat is weather-proof, hard in texture and lies close to the body. The breed is an average shedder.







American Foxhound 6 300x225 American Foxhound Training

The American Foxhound is typically difficult to house-train. Moderate socialization is needed to keep this breed from aloofness or timidity. In training, the dog does best with fairness, firmness, routine and consistency. This breed excels at agility, tracking and hunting.




American Foxhound 7 300x292 American Foxhound Activity

This dog breed is not recommended for apartment living. The American Foxhound is a lively and energetic that barks melodiously. This breed requires a great deal of exercise to prevent restless and destructive behavior . They do best in a rural setting or a large securely-fenced yard.


American Foxhound Video


Learn more:

American Foxhound Dog Breed: Energetic Hunting Dog

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